The bathrooms
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
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You enter the bathroom with no problem. You look around and you can't see anyone's feet under the stall doors. You're pretty sure you heard your sister say that there are showers in the back. You walk to the back and check the showers and you don't see anyone. As you start to walk out of the bathroom you hear foot steps. You quickly hid behind one of the beams keeping the stall up so you don't get stepped on and so you don't seem like a perv. Unfortunately for you, it was the same stall the girl chose.

"Crap, I'm running late for practice, I have to get ready quick," she says.

She sets her bag down on the bathroom floor only a few inches from you. You're glad she didn't see you but you can't move any where because her bag is blocking your path. You decide to climb up the bad. Once you reach the top you notice that her bag is opened. You see that there is a tag in there that says "ANNA." You take a good guess and assume this girl is Anna. You take a look at Anna and your jaw drops.

Anna has just taken off all of her close. In shock you don't know what to think. Anna has longer brown hair and looks to be about 5'10". She is very fit and despite being white, her skin is a tan caramel color. And what especially took you aback was the size of her butt. While she didn't have the big breast, maybe b cup, she had probably the largest ass you have ever seen. It had a good shape and good curves and it wobbled whenever she moved. You were completely in awe of what you were seeing. You were a little too distracted because you accidently slipped and fell into Anna's bag.

You try to get yourself out but you realized your body is caught in some fabric. And the you realize what the fabric is... it's the back part of Anna's one-piece. "Oh shit," you say as you struggle to get yourself free. With just your luck, Anna's hand reaches into her bag and...
May 12, 2023
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