Friends, or something deeper?

Well, it looked like the game was coming to a close. The girls' team had trounced the boys team, though to be honest it was more like Ai had trounced the boys' team. A few of the other girls had put in some effort, passing the ball to Ai, but most of them had been content to let Ai carry them to victory.

"Oh, Shujin! Were you watching?"

Whoops. You'd been rather out of it, and you hadn't noticed Ai herself striding over to you until she was practically right in front of the bench you were sitting on. The tall, athletic girl stood before you with a proud smile on her face. Even fresh off the soccer field, she was a very attractive girl, and you did your best to keep your eyes above the neckline and not on the decidedly more pronounced chest she was sporting. She hadn't bothered to adjust her shirt since you'd seen her earlier in the day, meaning that the hem of her shirt had lifted upwards a tiny amount thanks to her enlarged bust pulling the fabric up. The solid black fabric of her sports bra stood out pretty clearly against her white gym t-shirt.

"Yeah, I'm here. I felt like getting some fresh air before the end of the day, and there was a lull between classes. Has your day been going well?"

A loaded question, though Ai didn't know it. Sure, it sounded innocent enough, but you also wanted to check if she'd noticed any of the unusual happenings with her body today.

"Thank you for asking, Shujin! Today has been going quite well, if you would like to know! I don't think I'll ever tire of the thrill of exerting myself against a worthy foe!" Ai chuckled, running one hand through her hair.

Hmm. Either she was playing down the fact that her breasts had grown, or she was genuinely unaware. You still weren't sure what Ai would do when she found out. Out of all the heroines from the game, she and maybe Hotaru had been the easiest to raise affection levels with, but when it came to supernatural stuff like this, Ai was pretty grounded. Ava, Kiyoko, and Hotaru reacted fairly well to the unexplainable mysteries of the game, but as far as you knew there were never any events involving Ai that involved some kind of sci-fi or supernatural occurrence.

Well, Ai was going to have to face the magic pretty soon. Whether it was the next morning when she went to get dressed for school, or this afternoon when she changed out of her gym clothes, she'd learn the truth either way!

"Hmm... are you feeling alright, Shujin? You don't look too good." The smile was fading from Ai's face, being replaced by a worried frown.

"What? Oh, I'm... I'm fine. Just a little tired. It's been a long day."

"Oh no, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help!"

Wow, that was really nice of Ai. And the concern on her face (and in her words) was genuine, and not just her saying that to be nice.

"I'll be alright. I think I just overestimated how much energy I have." That was one way of saying that you were still getting the hang of figuring out how game events worked in real life. With a limit of two to three a day before the game progressed to the next day, you were feeling pretty tired after only two of them. To bad there wasn't an 'auto-skip' feature letting you progress to the next day. No sir, you still had the rest of the day to power through.

If the stats from the game worked this way in real life, you'd definitely want to raise your stamina stat.

"Well, that's not good. I know you aren't an athlete, but you'll only hurt yourself if you overexert yourself!"

Spoken like a true athlete. Though considering how Ai was at a near-superhuman level of physical fitness, you weren't really sure if she'd ever really exerted herself.

"I'll be fine, but thanks for your concern," You replied, standing up from the bench you'd been sitting on.


With both of you standing straight up, Ai was roughly a full head taller than you. You weren't sure what that meant in inches or centimeters, but she must've been at least 185cm/6'1, which was really damn impressive for a Japanese girl.

"But enough about me, it was really something watching you thrash the other team!"

"O-oh, come on now, it wasn't that impressive." Ai seemed a little flustered, but didn't turn down the praise.


For just a second, you let your eyes dip lower, eyeing the inky black shape of Ai's sturdy sports bra.

Nothing. No sounds of fabric stretching, no faint wiggling, wobbling, or jiggling as her bosom enlarged.

Maybe the growth could only activate during an 'official' event?

"Seriously, I don't think you even needed the rest of your team! With the way you were moving, you could've kicked the guys' asses all on your own!"

"Hee hee... you really think I'm that good? G-gosh, Shujin... you're going to make me blush!" Ai giggled, looking away from you nervously.


Nope, never mind. You were wrong about the growth only triggering during events. Because Ai's chest had just grown again! The pitch black sports bra stood out even more against her white t-shirt, and you briefly noticed the way the hem of her shirt was tugged upwards even higher, this time being pulled high enough to actually expose a sliver of the pale flesh of her toned abdomen!

'Holy shit, she must be a full two, maybe even three cup sizes bigger! How the hell hasn't she noticed yet?!'

Either the magic was keeping Ai unaware, or her sports bra was just that durable!

The two of you started walking away from the soccer field. As you did, you looked behind the two of you. Ai was looking straight ahead, a smile on her face, and not paying attention to either team, but...

The boys she'd just trounced were staring at her as she passed, some with dreamy smiles on their faces, or almost stereotypical goofy perverted grins on their faces.

And not only them, but you spied most of the girls shooting glance's at the big, tall soccer star, looks of wonder, confusion, and in some cases jealousy written on their faces.

So it seemed like Ai was the only one still aware of the sudden increase to her bustline.

Considering how depressed some of the girls looked as Ai passed them- after all, she had looks, athletic skills, brains, and now an ample bosom to go along!

Eh, you would've felt more sympathetic for them if so many of them hadn't been blatantly letting Ai do all of the hard work during the soccer match.

"You know, Shujin. Something's been on my mind lately. There sure have been a lot of female transfer students to our school lately. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was an anime!"

Okay, that line kind of came out of nowhere... until you remembered that Ai was, despite her athletic prowess, a huge nerd. And not just for Japanese history, but a lot of anime as well!

Then her words registered in your mind.

"Wait, really? I must not have been paying attention."

Ai's eyebrows rose in surprise at your words.

"Really? You must admit it's quite strange for our school to get over a dozen transfer students- all female, since the start of this school year. Not only that, but there have been a number of new faculty members take up jobs at our school this year, and all of them are women as well. It's quite odd, but not something to complain about." Ai mused, a thoughtful look on her face.

Okay... that was definitely something to look into.

'Narrator, any idea what she's saying?'

(((Oh, I'm well aware of what your friend is talking about, Shujin. But as for you... well, you'll just have to wait and see!)))

'Wait, my friend? I'm friends with Ai?'

Come to think of it, the conversation between you and Ai was remarkably casual, and unlike all of the other heroines from the game, you hadn't needed to introduce yourself to her.

Were you and Ai friends? Like, actual friends and not just casual acquaintances through school?

"Hey, Ai?"

(((Uh, Shujin? What are you doing?)))

"Yes, Shujin?"

(((Abort, kid! Abort! You're going in too hot!)))

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park this Saturday. I know I'm not in the best shape, and I was wondering, you know, if you were free if you wanted to go for a walk with me. I really need to get out more."


Had you fucked up?

You were starting to get the impression that you'd fucked up.

Ai had stopped walking, and was staring at you with wide eyes.

No, she wasn't blushing or swooning, and you weren't dumb enough to mistakenly believe that you'd made her heart skip a beat or anything.

But you had definitely caught Ai off guard with your question.


'W-what the hell?!'

It must've been magic blocking Ai's ears, otherwise there was no way she would've heard the loud sound of fabric stretching just now...

"M-my goodness, the wind must be particularly strong today, Shujin! I'm feeling a bit of a breeze right now!"

No, there wasn't any breeze, Ai's mind was just being tricked by the fact that her shirt had ridden up yet again, increasing the small but noticeable portion of her bare stomach on display.

And she hadn't answered your question either.

"It's okay if you don't want to go, Ai. I know that you're probably very busy."

Ai's eyes widened, and she waved her hands in front of her nervously.

"W-what? No, not at all, Shujin! It's just that... well..."

"Eh, it's not big deal. You don't need to explain yourself to me, Ai. We're friends, right?"

"Y-yes! Yes, we are!" Ai looked happy at those words, but she still seemed a little off. There must've been a story you were missing here.

If only you had all of past Shujin's memories. All you knew from the game was that Shujin and Ai had shared at least one class together back in your middle school days, but now in real life, it seemed that the two of you were closer than what the game implied.

You watched as a strangely, uncharacteristically quiet Ai headed to the girls' locker rooms. Hopefully she wouldn't freak out when she was getting changed...

August 4