She seems like a nice girl...

Written by L.Wood. Posted to Collaberotica by WritingGuy.


Getting to school was easier said than done… apparently there’d been an accident on the high way so traffic was spilling over into the city to try and get around it, which was holding up the buses, and to top it all off the subway was even more crowed than usual because people were trying to avoid the traffic! At this rate you’d have to basically run the entire way to school to not be late!

The next 45 minutes are a constant mix of running and weaving though hordes people but you somehow manage to get to your school just having enough time to grab your things. Exhausted, you really need to exercise more, you speed walking to your locker. Just as you reach it and begin to put in your combination, someone behind you calls your name.

“W-wait, excuse me Shujin Kou?”, You turn around having to squint against the glare of the morning sunlight… Your eye adjust slowly, a female silhouette quickly coming into sharp focus, the sunlight radiating off her ginger hair creating a halo around her head. Taken aback by the near religious beauty in front of you it took you a moment to realise, this had to be Kiyoko.
Thrown off by both her sudden appearance and the beautiful in front of you that a 2.5D sprite could never truly convey, time seemed to slow as you took in her appearance.
You knew she wasn’t the bustiest girl in the school but her boobs were still nearing the size of her head, with her torso tapering down to a nice narrow waist before quickly jutting back out to nice wide hips and some beautify thick thighs that were basically on full display under that short uniform skirt, speaking of which. Even her uniform was perfect, not a line of crease out of place, almost looking like it was fitted to both not hide Kiyoko’s curves while still giving her a propose and tidy look, with the exception of the skirt, which barely went a third down her thigh.
“Kiyoko, What are you doing here” you splutter out, still a bit thrown off by the suddenness of the whole situation.

“… You know who I am?” she replied with both joy and a hint of surprise. Well of course you would, you know all the girls that are eventually going to be in your Harem, but you obviously can’t say that, you better just stick to the script right now…
“You’re in the grade below mine, right?” Her face lighting up even further at your observation. “That right!” she said nodding, “Um… I stopped you because…Well, If it’s not too much trouble, would you please sign this for me?” she said gesturing to a clipboard you hadn’t noticed she’d been holding until now. Right… the petition, that’s how this first interaction went again… “What, You of all people want my autograph?” you say jokingly. “Autograph? N-no, this isn’t an autograph!” she sputtered slightly, “I’m collecting signatures for a petition” she said frowning slightly, “Which isn’t to say your signature isn’t important enough to be an autograph…” she quickly added before her face pinches, trying to figure out if she just insulted you. “I’m only joking!” you say trying to ease her a bit, “What’s this petition for?”

“The destruction of childhood dreams and memories!” she responded, a smile gracing her face as all the light seemingly left her eyes…

Oh god


You’d completely forgotten about that aspect of her character, she’s the ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’ as it were…

“Uh…” is all you can manage, thrown off again by your by your own forgetfulness of basic character traits. “Um sorry. I mean… they’re planning to tear down the neighborhood playground” Kiyoko said, the ‘light’ returning to her eyes, having just realized what she said and probably course correcting massively.

“Oh, I remember playing there when I was a kid” Mentally kicking yourself for forgetting who and what Kiyoko really was, “You’re looking at the monkey-bars champion!”, “Awww, that’s adorable! But they might revoke your title when they disassemble it and turn it into a dog park.” A slight frown crossing her lips. “I’m trying to stop it from happening and I thought, if enough people disagreed…” she trailed off, “Will you help?”

“Of Course! Anything for a good cause.” You happily reply grabbing her clipboard and pen. “You’ll really sign?” she excitedly asked, “Sure it’s a special place, with a lot of memories attached to it…” you said trailing off as you heard a sudden creaking sound, your able to flick your eye just above the clipboard and gain a slightly peak at Kiyoko’s chest. While nothing looks out of place you can’t help but notice the buttons of her uniform jack and shirt look to be under more pressure than hey where when Kiyoko first arrived with her white dress shirt now pulled slightly tauter across her bust, with the neckline of her jacket was wider than before.

So this was how your wish was manifesting, you examined Kiyoko’s face as you handed back the clipboard. She certainly didn’t look like she noticed suddenly growing a couple cup sizes bigger, or if she did she didn’t show it at all. You definitely need to learn more about the minutia of how your wish word. “Can’t let my childhood memories go to the dogs, right?” you say trying to act as casually as possible.

Kiyoko giggles as she takes the clipboard back, you try very hard to not watch her chest bounce from her laugh until it’s stopped by her pressing the clipboard to her chest. “Thank you! It means so much to me.” She replied happily, “I knew you’d be kind enough to help.”

You look behind her and notice the hallway is looking much emptier then it was when the two of you started talking… Right! Class was starting soon! “Aren’t you going to be late?” you ask. “Late?” She asked confused as she glances at the screen of her phone. “Aaah! How is it 7:55 already?! Did I really get that caught up in this?!” she exclaimed. “Let’s hurry, we can still make it.” “We?” Kiyoko asked surprised. ”You want to walk together?” as slight blush forming, “More like sprint together.” You say as you quickly throw what you need in you bad and closed your locker. “R-right! I’ll do my best to keep up!

Just then Kiyoko’s breasts grew again, and this time you were looking in the right direction to see as it happen. Her bust suddenly swelled larger, growing probably just over a cup size larger again in a couple of seconds, actually bouncing slightly from the suddenness of the growth. The buttons of her uniform were now under even more pressure as you swore you could see the slight bulge of her breasts overflowing her bra through her shirt.

You looked to her face right after it happened and again, she show no sign as to just growing noticeably bustier then she was less than 10 minutes ago. You REALLY had to figure out how this wish was working!


The day went on as it normally would after that, apart from you being constantly distracted by both trying to think of ways the wish had changed things, and by the thought of all the girls in you harem continuously growing bustier and bustier as they ‘grew’ to love you more. At lunch you decided to start looking things up on your phone to try and get some answers…

1. It was actually really easy, apparently it’s just normal in this world for woman to grow bustier if they fall in love with their soulmate!

2. You don’t find anything more the pages talking about myths and old wives-tales talking about how “When a fair maiden meets her true love their inner beauty will come out.

3. You find literally nothing on the topic other erotic stories and fanfiction, maybe you could ask the narrator about the specifics?

March 26