Written by L.Wood


Izumi laid down on her couch, her back to you. She still seemed tense, but she took a deep breath, trying to relax. You placed your hands gently on her shoulders, actually feeling the tension beneath her skin.

"Just let me know if anything feels uncomfortable, okay?" you say softly. "Okay," Izumi replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

You didn’t really have any experience doing this kind of thing, so you sneakily let Izumi guide you letting her groans of discomfort and moans of pleasure guide you. You began with gentle, circular motions, working your way from her shoulders down to her lower back. As you continued, you could feel the tight knots in her muscles gradually loosening.


Izumi's breathing grew deeper and more even, and she let out a soft sigh of relief. "You're really good at this," she murmured, her earlier reluctance melting away. "Thanks," you said with a small smile. "I'm glad it's helping."

Minutes passed in comfortable silence, broken only by the sounds of the occasional soft sigh or moan from Izumi. Your fingers moved surprisingly skillfully, seemingly applying just the right amount of pressure to ease her discomfort without causing pain.


Eventually, you finished with a final, gentle sweep of your hands down her back. "How do you feel now?" now quite confident in what Izumi’s response would be, you where instead met with light snoring.


You stood up to get a better look at Izumi’s face, and there she was, fast asleep, basically using her own boobs as a pillow. While a bit disappointed at not having Izumi compliment your work, you should probably take this as a good sign.

While looking around to realise 2 things, the first was that the groceries where never actually put away and where still on the table, you didn’t want to wake Izumi, so you when and did that yourself.

The second thing you noticed was several notifications from your Esper/Harem UI.

>>>>>Shujin Kou<<<<<

Level 10 - 9 Reward Points available

New Title: Beginner Romantic
Effect: Very slightly greater boost to your natural charm, gain 3 reward points per level up instead of 1.

Mind: 6/6

Esper Level: F = Pathetic overall ability. Currently capable of minimal physical alteration (other.) Power: 1-6 centimeters. Extremely short term major physical alteration (self.) Duration: 2 minute, 30 seconds.

Growing Appreciation 1: You've made the world a more beautiful place by making someone in it bigger! People you grow now have a 10% chance of having their affection towards you increased when you grow them, effect is not affected by targets awareness of growth. Growing a member of the fairer sex now has a 2% chance of not consuming a point of mind, must have at least 1 point of mind to have affect.

New Perks (2):
New Perk:
A load off 1: Things are going to be getting bigger, and bigger mean heavier, or do they? Now any person you’ve grown in anyway will have the negative effects of their size reduced! For every cup size a woman’s bust is, effective weight is reduced by 5% (capped at -50%), For every cup size a woman’s bust is, negative effects (example: Pain/discomfort) is reduced by 10% (uncapped) (effect on exclusive to Breasts)

Introducing Special Perks! (Special perks are powerful abilities that can only be gained though special events/interactions)

Special Perk unlocked: Magic hands: When it comes to the fairer sex, your hands are incapable of causing harm, whenever you purposely lay your hands on a member of the opposite sex, whatever your doing will always feel pleasurable and masterful, no matter how much experience you have on the topic.

While you finished putting the last of the groceries away, basically on auto-pilot, you mind was reeling from the wealth of rewards you’d just gotten.
First of all: 3 levels with 9 Reward Points and another point of mind, all wins! But the perks where something else entirely…

First off, Special Perks!?!?!? When had that been a thing?

(((The best type of prize is a SURprize by boy! Why spoil it? There’s even the chance you never get one in the first place!)))

Anyways… That was almost certainly why your message had gone so well, and you were thankful! The other perk took some time to figure out, if you were right it meant that now, when you used you power on someone, the weight they felt from their size would be reduce, with the effect growing stronger the bigger they were, for example, if you remember correctly if a girl was a J cup, her boobs would feel to her as though they only weighed half as much…

The other half of the perk though, you assumed given what had just transpired with Izumi that meant that, for example, the pain from going bra-less, or just being busty in general was reduced, but it was uncapped meaning it could go under -100%... so did that mean that eventually boobs that were big enough would just feel pleasurable from just existing?

A very important question that needed to be answered eventually…

With everything put away, and not wanting to disturb Izumi you decide to right a note for her before you left.

Izumi, despite everything that happened today, I had fun.
Put the food away, and locked the door behind me, see you later...

You went to leave the note on the coffee table next to the couch to make sure Izumi saw it when she woke up, she’d rolled onto her back since you last saw her and couldn’t help admiring her body.

Even on her back, her tits sat high on her chest, jiggling ever so gently as she breathed in and out, her shirt had untucked itself from her skirt and had ridden up slightly exposing her flat belly, with the hem of her skirt similarly ridden up exposing a nice amount of her thighs. All together a beautiful sight that you’re sure Izumi would be absolute mortified to know you saw… Though of course… it could always be better… you did have 6 mind to use right now, and she was already going to have to replace every shirt and bra she owned, why not push for a whole new wardrobe?

1. Make Izumi a bit bigger in a lot of ways while she’s asleep! Breasts, butt, hips, thighs, hell maybe make her a bit taller!
2. Just stay content with making Izumi even Bustier, don’t want to go over bored, she might suspect something if you went too far…
3. Leave her be for now and leave, it’s better to grow them when they’re awake and can react to it…

July 16