
Madoka's cheeks were going to stay flushed permanently from how frequently she was blushing, at this rate. The embarrassed girl moved her hands down to cover her stomach over the fabric of her button-up shirt.

Fortunately, you had an actual solution to that!

"If you're hungry, do you want me to make something for you?"

"Huh?!" Wow, her cheeks absolutely lit up at those words. Hopefully she hadn't tried to find any deeper meaning than you just wanting to feed a hungry friend.

Two weeks of going to your new school as a member of the cooking club had taught you more than a few decent skills, and while you weren't going to be hired as a cook at a restaurant anytime soon, you could actually cook pretty decent food on your own now. Well, as long as you kept things relatively simple.

"Yeah, I can cook dinner for you, if you like. I'm a member of Pandora's cooking club, after all!"

"I-is that so? W-well... if you say so... Oh gosh, a boy cooking food for me, so soon after we met? What would my parents say?" Yeah she was definitely reading more into it than she needed to. Oh well.

"So, uh... do you have any food in your fridge, or do I need to do a grocery run for you?" It shouldn't be hard (or expensive) to get the ingredients to make something simple, like fried rice.

"No! I mean, no. The fridge should be fully stocked, my parents paid a food delivery service to make sure that I wouldn't have to go shopping as soon as I moved in."

"Great, then if you don't mind... I'll get to work! Prepare to be amazed!" You were laying it on a little thick, but any chance to whip out your cooking skills was welcome. Ruu and Satomi were honestly great friends, and it felt good using the skills they were teaching you.

Plus satisfying a hungry girl was it's own reward. That, and thanks to the visual novel rules that your life operated on, cooking was absolutely something that you could rank up. Or at the very least, that you'd get better and better perks from the more you practiced at it.

The two of you headed downstairs, with you following along a few steps behind Madoka.

Man, now that the drama had been settled and your mind was free to drift on other things...

Heh... it was pretty sweet noticing how her wide hips caused her skirt to swish and sway. As you focused on Madoka's bodacious backside, and idea formed in your head. Now, it wasn't exactly a very good one (in fact, it was kind of dumb) but some of your best moments had come from spur-of-the-moment decisions!

<<Stealth Strike: Target locked>>

Focusing on the great, big booty only a few steps ahead of you, you unleashed your might!


Now, on one hand maybe that was a bit extreme. You hadn't even used the stealth strike on Ruu to such a degree (and the results of that wouldn't be finished until Monday, when you saw her after the weekend ended.

As for Madoka... she'd start feeling the effect soon, but she wouldn't be a full 10cm bigger in the backside till 10 days had passed. On one hand, it was kind of dangerous for you to use your power on her after you'd explained how it worked to her... but oh well. That was a problem for future Shujin. You didn't envy that guy.

As it was, due to the way the Stealth Strike ability worked, there was no immediate change in the size of Madoka's butt, nor did she indicate that she'd felt anything. To be fair, her ass was already pretty damn huge, though. Heh.

Had Madoka never realized how much junk she was packing in the trunk? That was kind of funny to think about. Maybe the solution to her chest complex was to give her an ass big enough that she'd just forget that she ever used to be uncomfortable with the size of her chest!

The two of you emerged in the kitchen of Madoka's house right on time, and you looked up, making sure to study the kitchen (and not your neighbor's huge butt.)

Madoka opened up the fridge, and true to her words you saw that it was well-stalked with everything you'd need to make a simple but tasty dinner for her. Getting to work right away, you struck up a conversation, not wanting things to devolve between the two of you into an awkward silence.

"So, how much do you know about Pandora, Madoka?"

"Um... not much, to be honest. Just what I've heard on the news. My family's esper trait is mostly hereditary and non-volatile, so the government gave us permits to stay out of Pandora. I only chose to enroll because of..."

"Your, uh, issue?" You stated, purposefully not looking at her ample bosom. Madoka reflexively crossed her arms over her chest, hiding the huge mounds from view (though you could still hear the sound of fabric straining beneath them.


"Well, don't worry, you'll love it! I'm sure you'll make tons of friends!"

"R-really? Are you sure? Because I really hope that it's not full of guys like the ones at my last school..."

You didn't have it in you to break Madoka's heart by telling her that yes, those kind of guys were everywhere. This was an ecchi-romcom world focused on high school students. There were going to be horndog guys around practically every corner.

But what Madoka didn't know, that you did... well... sure she might get some looks. She was a very pretty girl, after all. But to be 100% honest?

There was no way guys lusting after huge boobs would be bothering her when there were so many super-stacked beauties at your school that Madoka, bluntly put, literally didn't measure up to.

Seriously, Jouko alone was almost as big as Madoka was, and pretty much everyone else you'd met (except for Satomi) was at a minimum one full cup-size larger than Madoka. More, in cases like Aki, Haruko, and especially Izumi and Souko!

Madoka was in for the shock of a lifetime when she started school on Monday...

Wait, something else just occurred to you!

Stirring the sizzling pan you were currently working over, you asked Madoka the question on your mind.

"You know about the club system at Pandora, right?"

"You mean how everyone at the school is divided into a group based off of there primary interest, and that each club has a different curriculum? I know about it." That was good. Meant that you didn't have to take a bunch of time explaining how things worked to her.

"Well, I was thinking... You, uh, don't really like spending time around guys, right?"

"Uh-huh... I mean, there's nothing wrong with you! B-but... I'm not comfortable with most guys..." She stammered out, red-faced and waving her arms in a flustered panic.

"Hah hah, don't worry about it. No offense taken! I was just thinking... if you wanted to, you could join my club. I'm in the cooking club, and other than myself it's just two other people. Both of them are girls, so if you're looking for something to ease into while you're at Pandora, it's a good club to join. Though, uh... the club leader is like, really serious about cooking, so if that's not your thing it might not be a good fit for you." Whoops. You'd ended up backtracking on your idea midway through. The last thing you knew Satomi would want in her cooking club was someone who wasn't passionate about cooking.

"Um... that's really nice of you! But... I'll think about it. Like you said, It's probably for the best if I pick something that really stands out to me..."

By now you were pretty much done cooking dinner, and the two of you enjoyed steaming-hot bowls of fried rice.

It put a smile on your face to see someone else enjoying your cooking. Who would've thought that a guy like you would ever have something like professional pride?

Once dinner was concluded, you found yourself in the front entryway of her house, opening the door as Madoka waved goodbye to you.

"T-thank you for all the help this evening! And... I'm really glad that I got to meet you, Shujin! I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday!"

Talk about a personality 180. Madoka was happy and smiling now, in contrast to the nervous girl she'd been when you'd first seen her. And while her chest complex still had a long way to go before being resolved... at least now she knew there was at least one guy around she could be friends with!

Walking back across the street to your apartment...

(((Nice job, Shujin!)))

'Hey, Narrator. I was starting to wonder if you were going to show up.'

(((Ah, you handled that like a pro. Seriously, you're one of the first harem protagonists I've seen to actually have a decent amount of common sense. OR to just plain be a functioning human being and not some horndog obsessed with peeping on girls.)))

Which summed up something like 80% of all ecchi anime protagonists. Ugh, you'd rather jump off a tall building then have to live with one of those morons.

'So no level up?'

(((Not this time. But hey, you're pretty close to your next level at least.)))

That was good enough for you. Time for one of your favorite moments- unlocking a heroine's information!

You also received a notification stating that your 'novice chef' title had ranked up, going from 'novice chef' to 'junior chef.' The affection/reputation increase that the junior rank gave when a heroine ate a meal prepared by you wasn't a whole lot higher, but it was an increase, and that's what counted. Any little bit helps, and all that. Plus, this was still a low-level rank. Imagine what you could do with a title like 'Cooking Wizard' or a perk like 'Unlimited Kitchen Works!'

Anyways, moving on...


Madoka Futayama

Age: 19

Height: 165cm / 5 feet, 5 inches

B/W/H: 99/62/100 (+10)

After Stealth Strike finishes: 99/62/110

Cup: I

An I cup was huge, no doubt about it, but... yeah, it just didn't stack up to someone like Haruko or Mio! And... Gawd damn! Forget a set of buns, Madoka was packing pretty much the entire bakery! Heh... and in ten days... that bakery would be a whole damn franchise!

July 12
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