"But... you're absolutely sure you can't shrink other people?"

Wow, she wasn't letting that go. Though to be fair you couldn't blame her. You didn't know what it was like to have a complex about one's body, and you didn't want to. It must've seemed like a cosmic joke to the girl to introduce her to someone who was so close to being able to fix her problem, but still being unable to.

"Like I said, my Esper is weirdly specific. I can shrink myself or inanimate objects. And like I said earlier, I can also grow other people, or grow inanimate objects... but for some reason I only seem to be able to grow girls." Maybe you shouldn't have admitted that last bit, judging by how the girl flinched at those words. At least this time she didn't look like she was about to run away in fear from you.

"That's... that's weirdly specific." And now she was looking at you with narrowed eyes. Great.

"Yeah, I guess so. I only just discovered my Esper a couple weeks ago so I'm not really sure why there's so many weird caveats like that." Which was a half-truth, half-lie. You'd only discovered your esper two weeks ago, true, but you knew exactly why it had the specifications that it did.

"Look... can you at least try to shrink my breasts? Please?"

As much as you wanted to use your power on the girl, this was not a good situation to do it in. Better to nip this in the bud now.

Her arms fell away from her ample chest, revealing the glory of her abundant bust. Even fully clothed it was a sight to see- and you would never do anything to minimize it! Not that you could, even if you wanted to.

Each breath from the girl had the buttons creaking, the fabric around them crinkling ominously... You jerked your eyes away from the tantalizing sight, not wanting to linger too long. The last thing you needed was to torpedo what little rapport you'd built back with the girl after ending up under her delightfully plump rump.

"Look, I'm telling you- that's not how it works. I can't just try to shrink your breasts. There's only one outcome- if I use my Esper on your boobs, they're going to swell up, and I know that's the last thing you want."

"Urk... I-Is that so?"

"Look, if it makes you feel better... I really can't grow things by that much. Not all at once, at least. Here, I'll show you what I mean."

Looking down at the floor, you focused on the big pink bra you'd been hiding underneath earlier. The girl followed your line of sight, flushing an adorable shade of red and squeaking and stammering as she realized that, yes, she had let a boy into her bedroom when her unmentionables were scattered all around.

"D-don't look- huh?"


Before her eyes (and yours as well) the pink undergarment expanded, and while you couldn't see what the tag was on it, you'd estimate by the way you increased the total size of the bra (cups, straps, and band altogether) it was likely around 2-3 full cup sizes larger.

Looking around the room, you spied another target, this one a white bra with a lacy, pink trim. Like the pink bra, it was one of the few bras you could see where the straps didn't look ready to snap at a moment's notice.


This time, only the cups expanded, the shoulder straps and band staying the same size while the cups grew larger and deeper. You honestly didn't know too much about how bras worked, so you weren't sure if it would still be usable when only the cups were larger, but... meh. Not important right now.

"See that? I grew the cups on that bra by six centimeters. More coverage, deeper, and so on. As for the other bra... it's just 'six cm bigger' in general. That's it, that's the limit on how much I can grow something right now."

Well, you could grow things larger, but it required you to use your stealth strike ability, which wasn't instantaneous and thus didn't work as a visual demonstration.

"Oh... t-that's it? Phew... I thought it would've been something more drastic..."

Wait, was she knocking your power?

"O-Oh, don't mind me! I don't mean to say that your Esper is w-weak... it's just... well, if you only discovered it a little while ago, it's natural that you wouldn't be very strong with it."

Despite her words, the girl did look a little relieved to have the knowledge that she wasn't standing in the same room as someone who could give her ridiculously gigantic, basketball-sized boobs or something. If anything, your Esper being relatively weak actually helped you out right now.

"U-um... thank you for showing me how your power works. It's very interesting seeing someone else's Esper in use. Some people use them in front of everyone, but other people believe they should be kept private."

"About that... would you mind, uh... keeping this a secret between us? The school officially thinks that my Esper is still dormant, and..."

"I-I don't mind... I'm sure you- Ngh- have your reasons."

A soft, pained whimper from the girl reminded you about her 'bra situation' from earlier.

"Are you okay?"

The girl's pink cheeks darkened until her whole face was practically cherry red, and her bespectacled, brown eyes darted nervously around, before she took a deep breath to calm herself. You did your best to keep your eyes on hers and not on the way her button-up blouse bulged distractingly from her deep breath.

"W-well... oh gosh, I can't believe I'm telling him this, it's my b-bra," She stammered out, hands rising to her chest not to hide it from your view, but cupping her hefty bosom and emphasizing it.

"B-because of the complex I have with my chest... I try to wear smaller bras, t-to... squish my chest down." Which explained why so many of her bras looked worn or damaged, because their owner was purposefully overloading them in an effort to compress her impressive breasts.

"That, uh... that doesn't sound very fun. Actually, it sounds like it hurts."

"It does..." She lamented, so embarrassed about having to reveal such a personal secret that steam practically pouring out of her ears (thank you, anime logic.)

"Then... sorry if this is too forward, but..."



The girl let out a sudden gasp of breath as her bra- the sky blue one that you knew was obscured by her tight shirt- expanded in size, going up 1-2 sizes as you increased it's overall mass. Without the fabric around her chest (and by extension, her lungs) being tight to the point of compressing her, an unforgettably sexy illusion was cast before your eyes.

Rather than her breasts expanding, they were simply taking their normal size now that her overstretched bra was no longer squeezing them so painfully.

You left her shirt as it was, and you sure couldn't deny that you liked how tight it was around her chest now- you could even see tiny flashes of sky blue fabric, with the buttons pulled so tightly that there were little gaps opening up between the center most buttons where the most strain was.

"W-why did you DO THAT?!"

Oops. Despite your good intentions, you'd clearly gotten back on her bad side. Come on brain, think of a solution!"

"W-well... you just sounded like you were in pain... I was only trying to help... Plus, if you're trying to hide the size of your chest... Well, you already told me your secret, and you probably aren't planning on going out later because it's already pretty late in the day, so it's not like anyone else will be, uh... looking at you." Man, you really needed to introduce this girl to Haruko. Or Izumi. Or Ruu. Hell, pretty much every girl you'd been in close contact with over the last two weeks was bigger than she was.

Once she had some better perspective on what was actually considered 'busty' at your school, maybe she'd feel less self-conscious about herself.

"W-well... I guess I can't fault you for that. And I do appreciate that you just wanted to help... B-but still! You can't just expand a girl's bra like that without asking! It's r-rude to play around with a girl's underwear like that!"

Well, at least she didn't seem too upset now that she'd heard you out.

"Phew... i-it does feel nice being able to breathe properly... and my chest doesn't hurt now..."

The girl realized that you'd probably heard her whisper, and she looked away, flustered.

"U-um... So, you said your name was Shujin?"

"Yup! Shujin Kou, first year student at Pandora, Japan's largest Esper school/town/research facility!"

"Then... it's nice to meet you, Shujin Kou. I'm Madoka. Madoka Futayama" Oh thank God, you finally had a name to go with her face. It felt like you'd been calling her 'that girl' for ages!

"Nice to meet you, Madoka! I'm glad to have a neighbor like you!"

Sticking out your hand, you were relieved when Madoka responded in kind, returning your handshake.

"Likewise. You... you seem like a nice guy, Shujin. J-just... forget about all this, and we'll be able to be friends!" She stated, her pale cheeks turning pink as she used the hand not holding yours to brush the back of her skirt, as if she was remembering the sensation of her soft, squishy backside smothering you.

"I'm still not totally sure why my esper says you're so important, seeing as you can't shrink these huge breasts of mine... but I'm sure we'll be friends!" Go Go anime romcom protagonist powers! This was the dawn of Shujin Kou!

Your first unofficial quest would be helping Madoka build up her self-confidence. No one should have to be ashamed of how they looked, and those huge boobs of hers were beautiful- it would be a crime to do anything to them!


Level 13
Esper Level: DD
Size change: 1-6 cm per use, shrink self down to 1-3 inches OR 1-3 feet for 10 minutes.
New use: Target girl/girl’s attributes grow 6-12cm over the course over that many days (stealth strike)
Mind: 2/7

July 9
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