Takayushiki Souko Introduces Herself.
· original author:
Even though the new girl only wrote her name on the whiteboard, the fluidity of her handwriting almost made it seem like she was writing poetry. Once she was done, she replaced the cap back on the marker and turn to face the class, her cool expression still firmly in place.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Takayushiki Souko." she said with a soft, yet very clear voice and a formal bow.


Whether she meant to do it or not, Souko's enormous rack bounce heavily from both her bow and from straightening back up. Which made you and most of the boys in the class quite hot and bothered.

"Holy shit! Look at those things bounce!" you heard one guy whisper loudly a few seats to the right.

"Thank you god for blessing us with another big tittied beauty in our class!" another guy whispered in the back row.

"I think they're even bigger than Izumi's!" another whispered right in front of you.

While you can completely understand why all the guys in your class were drooling like a bunch of dogs in heat, you also had the overwhelming urge to smack all of them upside the head for their vulgar language and treating Souko like she was nothing more than a piece of meat.


But it looked like Izumi was gonna beat you to it as she stood right up from her desk after getting everyone's attention by slamming her hand on it. Her red eyes blazing with feminine fury at all the perverts in the classroom.

"If any of you disgusting pigs so much as breath at her funny, you'll end up breathing and eating through tubes after I'm done." she hissed.

Needless to say every boy shut their traps right then and there, each of them knowing that she meant every word.

"Woah.." you gasp in awe. "Nice going Izu-"

Your words die in your mouth when she turned her burning gaze at you. "That goes double for you Shujin. Don't forget you're still on thin ice with me."

"Yes ma'am." you squeaked.

"Well said Izumi." Mr. Haru said with an approving nod at how one of his favorite students put all the horny boys in their place. "By the way, would you mind showing Miss. Takayushiki around school after class?"

Izumi expertly controlled her temper and addressed her teacher with respect. "I wouldn't mind at all."

"Very good. Now take a seat wherever you'd like Miss Takayushiki."

"Thank you sir." Souko nodded. The new girl scanned the room for a few seconds before she found the seat she wanted. And much to your surprise she selected the open seat right next you on your..right. And your heart leaped into your throat when she turned to face you. Her gorgeous face never lost it's neutral expression, but her eyes had a curious gleam to them. It was like she was studying you.

"Um..Hello?" you said awkwardly.

"..." She just stared at you for a long minute before turning her attention to Mr. Haru's opening lecture.

You then felt a sudden chill in they air, like you were being stared at with eyes full of killer intent. You turned to Izumi who was sitting next to you on your left, but she was more focused on Souko. She no doubt noticed the odd moment of silence between you and the new busty girl, and she appeared to be curious as to what her deal was. 'Hold on..' you thought 'If Izumi's not glaring at me than who is?'

You scan the room and that's when you noticed it wasn't just one pair of eyes glaring at you, but rather nearly every boy in classroom. And you almost immediately figured out why. They were all jealous at the fact that Izumi and Souko, the two bustiest girls in the whole school were sitting on both sides of you.

"Oh great.." you groaned, knowing that you were really in for it once class was over.


What happens when class is over?

Option 1: Izumi takes pity on you and allows you to accompany her as she escorts Souko through school. (Good Outcome)

Option 2: The second the bell rings you bolt it out of the class in order to get away from the jealous mob of boys. (Neutral Outcome)

Option 3: Before you can escape, the boys surround you and begin to interrogate you on how you managed to get so lucky. And Izumi just leaves you to your fate. (Bad Outcome)
March 23