The final step of your master plan
· original author:
Izumi stared at you, as if not quite believing the words she was hearing.

"Okay, say for a moment I actually let you of all people into my house, much less my bedroom. Why should I believe that you even can fix my blinds for me? As far as I know, you might just end up making things worse on accident!" Izumi briefly debated adding on 'or on purpose' to her statement, but ultimately decided against it. Shujin had been on his best behavior so far, so she'd at least give him the benefit of the doubt. For now.

"Well, I live on my own most of the time. My parents do most of their work out of the country, so I've learned that when something breaks at home, it's either don't use it, or learn how to fix it on my own. I like to think that I've developed into quite the handyman!"

And it was true- your repair skills (at least when it came to basic appliances/stuff you'd find around the house) were pretty good. You weren't an electrician or a plumber by any means, but you could at least do general maintenance on average household stuff.

You could see Izumi wrestling with your suggestion. Honestly at this point even if she said no, you weren't walking away empty handed. The (over-sized) lunch you'd handmade for her had to have scored some points with her, even just a little would be enough to raise your relationship with her up from rock-bottom.

But things would go even better if she accepted your offer! It would be the final proof that you could be better than you'd been so far! Of course, there was nothing more you could do at this point. Things were going pretty well honestly. Izumi hadn't rejected your offer write away, and was clearly actually thinking about it instead of telling you to buzz off. The matter was out of your hands now.

"...Okay. I'll let you come over after school today. BUT! I'll be watching you like a hawk! If I see you do anything suspicious, or try to do something you shouldn't, I'll kick you out of my house! Literally! Got it?!"

"Yes! Thanks, Izumi! You won't regret this!" Your heart soaring, you dashed away. You weren't eager to get back to class, but you were eager to be done with the school day. Now you just had to play the waiting game...


"I'd better not..." Izumi sighed, running one hand through her hair while the other rested on her stomach, which was distended from the huge lunch she'd had. That... honestly hadn't gone too badly. Izumi hadn't consciously noticed it, but Shujin hadn't stared at her giant boobs a single time while they'd been talking!


"Ugh... I ate... way too much. It was fun seeing Shujin squirm, but... ow... not my best idea," Izumi groaned, wincing as her stomach let out another unhappy groan.

"I'm going to have to take care of this before it becomes a problem," Izumi grumbled. For some reason, most of the calories she took in from the food she ate seemed drawn to two particular spots on her body. And her boobs were huge enough, damnit!

Izumi knew she was going to have to work extra hard during gym class today otherwise she ran the risk of not being able to fit into her bras and blouses in the immediate future. If those calories weren't burned off by the end of the day, she just knew they'd be piling onto her already enormous bustline.


Izumi let out a sigh as she stared at her reflection in one of the girl's locker room mirrors. Both hands were pinching at her protruding middle, which over the course of the last few hours had stopped aching quite so much. At least she'd be able to exercise now without risking throwing up.

"Ugh, that food was good, but now I'm reminded why I never pig out like that." Izumi grumbled. The bulging stomach was not an attractive look, and she wanted it gone as soon as possible. This wasn't going to be a fun gym class. Normally they played sports or ran laps, but occasionally the gym teachers would let the students exercise at their own discretion. This was one of those days, and Izumi was going to focus entirely on intense, rigorous workouts meant to expend as much energy as possible.

Class was starting soon, and Izumi didn't have much more time to get ready, but she let her eyes wander all the same. Aside from her ramen-stuffed belly, the rest of her looked great! Izumi was proud of the toned arms and legs she'd honed after many hours of exercising and gym going... and more than that, she was proud of her massive breasts! Just... she didn't like it when people treated her like a piece of meat. Was it wrong to want to be admired and respected while being treated as more than a sex object?! Izumi didn't think so but seem people apparently didn't see it that way.

Izumi hadn't fully changed into her gym clothes yet, only wearing her gym shorts and bra at the moment. The undergarment hugged her colossal chest snugly (maaaaybe a little too tightly, in Izumi's opinion) but it still provided adequate support. Despite not being a sports bra, Izumi knew from experience that the sturdy undergarment would still provide enough support for her to wear during gym class.

Regardless, Izumi knew she'd end up receiving lots of stares, lust from the boys and envy from the girls. It was hard to avoid when she was wearing those short gym shorts and the tight-fitting t-shirt that made up the girls' gym uniform.

Well, time to get started. She couldn't afford to slack off even for a minute, or her breasts were going to swell even larger than they already were as they soaked up the calories...


Izumi let out a soft groan as she stretched, working out the kinks in her back. The workout she'd just finished had been as intense as she'd been expecting, and as much as she knew it was for a good purpose, it was still good to be done with. Changing back into her school uniform (and noting with some satisfaction that her stomach was back to its normal flat, toned state) Izumi once more began the challenge of buttoning up her blouse.

Her bra was already fairly tight, and Izumi couldn't tell if it was feeling tighter having finished her gym class. But her blouse... hmm... Izumi narrowed her eyes. It wasn't tighter, was it? Surely, she'd burned off all of the calories from her huge lunch, right?

Izumi hoped so. If she woke up the next morning to find that her bra was even tighter, she was not going to be happy!


Well, here went nothing- the time for you to really prove yourself to Izumi. School had passed by fairly uneventfully, and you hadn't had a chance to see Izumi after lunch. So here you were, waiting outside your house with a small toolbox containing your normal home maintenance supplies.

You didn't have Izumi's number, and it seemed that she'd already gone home after school. As far as you knew, she still hadn't turned down your offer, meaning she probably intended for you to meet her at her house after school, rather than walking home with her.

Okay, here went nothing. You just had to work up the courage to go knock on the (incredibly beautiful, incredibly buxom, incredibly intimidating) girl's front door.

*Knock* *Knock*

Fortunately, it seemed like Izumi had been waiting for you to show up, as her door swung open pretty much right away. Gulping, you made sure not to stare. Even in her school uniform Izumi was drop-dead gorgeous!

Of course, you made sure to keep your eyes firmly focused away from her breasts. The last thing you needed/wanted was to screw up and piss her off. Your plan had gone off without a hitch so far, which meant if you could stick the metaphorical landing, you'd be in the clear!

Well, at least she wouldn't be quite so irritable around you all the time. The whole point of this wasn't to make friends with her- that was still way over your head. You just needed to get her to see you in a new light- someone who, someday, she might be able to be good friends with.

"Good, you're here. Alright, follow me. We're going straight to my room, you're going to do what you can for my blinds, and then you're going straight home! Got it? I'm not paying you, you aren't staying for dinner, and this still doesn't make us even. But... I'll admit that if you actually can fix my blinds there might be more to you than you've shown me up till now."

Following Izumi inside, you trailed behind her as she led you up to her room. Once inside, she sat down on her bed and crossed her arms underneath her immense bosom, almost daring you to look at them. But your resolve held strong- you weren't going to let those twin moons pull you into their gravitational well! You had a job to do!


"I... I can't believe it. You did it! You actually did it!" Izumi cheered, raising and lowering her blinds gleefully. Heh, just like earlier when she'd first tasted your ramen, it was rare to see Izumi smile like this, but you'd treasure the moment all the same. She was truly beautiful when she smiled.

In truth, it actually hadn't been that hard to fix her blinds. It took all of five minutes to figure out what the problem was, another ten minutes to use the tools at your disposal to fix said problem, and then another five minutes to make sure that what you'd done was a permanent (as opposed to temporary) solution.

"Yup, just like I said I would! Never doubt Shujin Kou!"

"...Right. I guess I shouldn't have," Izumi stated slowly, as if not quite believing the words leaving her mouth. Heh, you were feeling especially proud of yourself! This meant... this meant your plan was a success, right? You'd accomplished everything you'd set out to today. So... mission complete?

"Well, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow." You weren't sure what else to say, so you turned to leave. Izumi silently led you back out of her house to the front door, though you couldn't help but notice it looked like she was deep in thought.

Just as you opened the door to leave, you heard Izumi's voice behind you...
March 23