Keep em' coming!
· original author:
You got to work completing Izumi's order. Still, you felt a little apprehensive making another whole bowl for her, and a large at that. Just because she'd said she was hungry, she had already eaten an entire (medium-sized) bowl already.

Nevertheless, she was happy and smiling (which was a rare-enough treat around you), so you figured it was best to buckle down and follow along with her order. You hoped she knew what she was getting into, the large-sized bowls at your boss's ramen stand were impressive, doubly so for a more meat-heavy bowl like the one Izumi had ordered.

With your skills, you didn't miss a beat in the preparations for Izumi's next bowl, and soon enough Izumi's second order was ready. Placing it before her with a small smile, you take a brief note of the way her eyes lit up in delight.

"Here you are! Enjoy!"

With a quiet 'thanks' and another whisper of itadakimasu, Izumi dug in.

She quickly put your fears that she'd ordered too much for herself to rest, as despite its increased size she plowed through her second bowl almost as quickly as the first.

'Wow... she must've been famished,' you thought to yourself, as Izumi set the second bowl, practically licked clean.

"Another! Exactly like this one!"

...Or not. Well, this one would be her last for sure. Nodding at her in acknowledgement you got to work.

Once more, as soon as you had finished preparing the food, you placed the bowl in front of Izumi. The blue-haired girl sighed happily, treating you to a view of her with a big smile on her face, her eyes closed while she drank in the aroma wafting upwards from the savory beef ramen.

Your eyes didn't dare drift a single centimeter below her chin- just because her eyes were closed, you weren't going to risk blowing the minute increase to your reputation with her.

As it was, it wasn't like Izumi's breasts were out of your line of sight. The twin globes were so immense that even without you focusing on them specifically, they still occupied a good portion of the bottom of your field of vision.

No! Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts! No thinking about Izumi's enormous, round boobs or slightly too small blouse! Bad thoughts be gone!

Fortunately for you, you didn't end up losing any brownie points with Izumi- her eyes opened up mere moments later and she began digging into what was her third bowl overall and her second large-sized bowl.

You had to turn away to prevent Izumi seeing your dropped jaw- she was plowing through the damn thing almost as fast as she had gone through her previous two bowls!

Now, you might not have had any real experience with the opposite sex, but even you had enough common sense to know that girls really didn't like it when you the topic of weight was brought up. On that note, Izumi catching wind that you were impressed by her appetite likewise probably wouldn't go over well.


"Mmm..." Izumi hummed happily as she continued slurping up the noodles in her third bowl of ramen. The beef was cooked to perfection, the noodles were thick with a rich texture, and everything else was... well, perfect! She honestly couldn't think of a single thing to complain about.

Who would've thought that Hentai-Kou of all people would've been hiding some serious cooking skills? He was good enough that Izumi was honestly glad that she'd come here, even if it was with the boy who was on the thinnest of ice with her.

Her tastebuds were singing in delight, her hunger was sated, and best of all she didn't even have to pay for her food!

Well, the first bowl was free at least. About the rest... Izumi's eyes narrowed and a smug smile crept onto her face. A smile that Shujin Kou missed, as he had his back to her.

An idea had taken root in her mind. Why not test Shujin's patience and good-will a bit? After all, he'd been testing her patience all day- to some degree she still felt it was within her right to simply walk away from the stand without another word.

But that wasn't going to happen. She needed to see if Shujin was really willing to put his money where his mouth was.


"W-what?" Shujin had finally turned around, and seemed to be taken aback by the fact that there was once again an empty bowl in front of her.

"Did you hear me? I want more. Or are you going to ignore what your customer is asking for?" Izumi stated, crossing her arms under her massive bosom, almost daring Shujin to look at them.

And yet he didn't. His eyes had widened, but he quickly began preparing her next bowl of ramen.


This had to be the last one, right? Inosuke's stand wasn't expensive, but four bowls (well, three paid-for) of ramen would add up to a hefty amount. Beef ramen especially. Turning his head slightly, he could see his boss smiling at him, enjoying watching his apprentice sate yet another customer's appetite.

Of course, that wasn't all. Inosuke's smile remained on his face even as he quietly (so that Izumi couldn't hear) but pointedly tapped the cash register next to him.

'Only the first bowl is free' went the unspoken message between Inosuke and his apprentice.

Shujin just smiled nervously- this was all part of the plan after all. Okay, maybe it was deviating a little bit from his original idea, but it was still well within acceptable margins.

"Okay, done! Here you go, enjoy!"

Izumi didn't verbally thank him, but she did give him an acknowledging nod as she once again dug into her food.

You didn't say anything, and just stood back as Izumi enjoyed herself.

Though you didn't miss how she was visibly going at a slower pace through her fourth bowl. You were surprised that she was still going at all.


"A- *Hic* Another! Same as all the others, please! ...What? are you deaf? I *Urp* said I wanted another bowl! Didn't your boss train you to listen to your customers?" Izumi's sharp voice snapped, though the intimidation factor was mitigated by the quiet burp that escaped her lips midway through her sentence. Izumi's cheeks had turned the faintest shade of pink, and she'd brought one hand up to cover her mouth.

Holy cow, this girl could eat!

You'd never seen anyone go through this much ramen (or any kind of food, period) ever! But this had to be the final bowl, right? You could already hear your wallet crying out in pain, it seemed that you weren't going to be able to buy that new game coming out this month...

And your wallet aside, you were worried that Izumi might get sick if she ate anymore.

The enormously buxom bluenette had gone through a total of six bowls by now, and you were just now setting what would be lucky number seven in front of her. And while she'd started out strong, her pace had slowed to a crawl as she methodically worked through each beef bowl, leaving each one metaphorically licked clean.

Guess she wasn't such a black hole after all- Izumi seemed to have hit her limit at the sixth bowl, but for some reason seemed intent on cramming one last large beef ramen into her stomach.


'Oof... come on, girl... you can do this! Just one *hic* one more!' Izumi thought to herself, her train of thought interrupted by a literal hiccup. She didn't consider herself a cruel person, but she had been really enjoying watching Shujin squirm as he made bowl after bowl for her. Now, she was determined to squeeze one last ample helping in before calling it quits and giving Shujin a rest. Honestly, seeing him squirm like this was fun.

It helped that the food was honestly really, really good. Her tastebuds were singing praises to the angels for the bounty they'd been bestowed!

Shujin placed one more bowl in front of her, and Izumi got started right away, slowly picking away at it. This last bowl was a near insurmountable struggle for her, as even with her prodigious appetite all of the beef was really piling up in her belly. All of the broth from each bowl of ramen made it feel like she had a small pool inside of her by now.

Still, Izumi wasn't about to lose face in front of Shujin.

Minutes later, Izumi was wiping her lips with a napkin while Shujin stared back at her in open-mouthed amazement.


"You- uh, you want another bowl?"

"NO! I mean*urp* No, thanks. I'm quite full."

"Oh thank God. I mean, you're welcome. Glad you enjoyed the food..."

"Glad to see another happy customer. And I hope you aren't forgetting anything, my boy!" Hatake Inosuke stated, having popped back into the scene at the last moment. Shujin gulped- there were two things his boss loved the most in life, happy customers and paying customers. And with him, the two most often went hand in hand. Well, here went his allowance for the month...

"Here you go. Thank you very much for the food," Izumi stated, holding out a sum of bills.

Well, this wasn't an insignificant amount of money, but Izumi felt that her test had gone on long enough. The food had been amazing, and honestly... despite the events of the morning, she couldn't help but feel just a little bad at the thought of emptying Shujin's wallet. She was no freeloader. She was a girl who always, always paid what she owed!

"Thank ya kindly, young miss! You're welcome back here any time!"

Having taken care of the matter of payment, Izumi sighed and stood up- and staggered slightly. Seven whole bowls of ramen was a ton of food, and her stomach felt like it would burst if she ate even a single more bite.

"You, uh... You want any help getting back to school?"

1) "I- Ugh... Fine. Just *urp* watch your hands, mister, or you'll be in BIG trouble!"
2) "No- *hic* No way! This was a one-time deal, got it?"
March 23