· original author:
Izumi actually cracked a smile at that, and wow did she look good with a smile on her face!

"I guess we'd better figure out what to do next," she remarked, running one hand through her blue hair, taking care not to dislodge the red ribbon in her hair.

"Yeah, I guess so. I, uh... won't ask you to go out of your way for me, but there's... not really anything I can do on my own. Hotaru wasn't answering her phone- I don't know how mine is still working at this size, but I'm not questioning it either. Though now that I think about it... Hotaru did mention that she broke her phone in some experiment the other week. Something about increasing it's memory... which clearly didn't work the way she wanted it to."

This put Izumi in a real pickle. Sure, she'd said she'd help out Shujin, but at first, all he'd needed was her to just get him to Hotaru at lunch. If Hotaru wasn't here at all... what now? Izumi wasn't swamped with work or homework, but she also wasn't someone with a totally open schedule either.

"I think you'll just have to tell me where Hotaru lives. I can drop you off at her house later." Which sounded good on paper, but of course fate had other plans for Izumi.

"That'd be a good idea, except for the fact that their place is getting fumigated right now. There was a bad insect infestation that they had to call the exterminators over for, and her mom has been staying in a hotel downtown until it's safe to go back to. I don't know the name or the address of it."


Plus there was the fact that Hotaru had more or less moved into (at least temporarily) her secret lab. Which was a secret- not even her mother knew about it! And despite the situation... you weren't sure if Hotaru would've appreciated you telling a stranger (Izumi) about the existences of her top-secret lab! It was her most closely guarded secret, one that she trusted nobody with except for you!

And on the other hand, even if you did tell Izumi about Hotaru's lab (and likely show her precisely how to get there) there was no guarantee Hotaru would even be there. You'd sure hate to waste Izumi's time by sending her out into the deep woods just to find an empty laboratory.

"Ugh... that's great..." Izumi grumbled, closing her eyes while she put one hand to her forehead, clearly displeased by the knowledge.

"Yeah... sorry, this whole thing is... not ideal." You finished lamely, not sure what else to say.


"Don't... don't worry about it. You didn't ask for any of this to happen to you." Izumi sighed. What now? Shujin was, to put it bluntly- screwed. Hotaru wasn't here, and Shujin had no idea where she was.

He'd be stuck with her until school ended, that much was a given. But what happened afterwards? Getting him back to Hotaru today seemed extremely unlikely. Leaving him at school wasn't an option, period. She could... she could take him back to his house! Yeah, that could work! Hopefully his house was close by- Izumi didn't want to walk across town if she didn't have to, but if getting Shujin to the safety of his own house was the result, she'd be fine with spending a bit of extra time to help him.

But what if he lived alone?

Shit, Izumi hadn't considered that! The busty blue-haired girl's brow furrowed as she realized that going to Shujin's house (and just leaving him there) probably wasn't any better than just ditching him at school. For one thing, she had no idea if he lived alone or not, and if he did... well, how the hell would leaving him on his own help him in any way? The poor guy didn't have any way to feed or take care of himself!

And that was if they were able to get inside his house/apartment in the first place! And Izumi was willing to bet that Shujin's house keys had shrunken with him.

Damn, what now? There had to be an answer to this that wasn't just 'ditch him.' Izumi might've appeared unfriendly on the outside, but she was far from that in reality! She had a big heart- just not one that most people knew about! And leaving Shujin to fend for himself didn't sit right with her!

'I guess... I guess I'll have to take him home with me. I'd rather have him with me and know that he's safe than just leaving him somewhere to fend for himself.' Izumi thought to herself. It'd be a bit awkward, but it seemed like for the first time in her life, she'd be bringing a boy home from school with her.

The irony of this was that she had nothing to fear from him. Even if he'd been normal-sized, she was fit (and skilled) enough to knock him on his ass if he got handsy with her. At his current size? She could squash him like a bug if he got any funny ideas.

Izumi's stomach churned unhappily at that gruesome thought- the big-breasted girl suddenly feeling more than a little squeamish.

"You okay, Izumi? You're looking... a little green."

"I-I'm fine... just had something unpleasant on my mind."

"Oh, okay then. Well, I hate to ask... but what now?"

"That's what I've been trying to think of an answer for..." Izumi sighed and leaned back in her chair. Shujin was still positioned directly above her massive breasts rather than directly in front of them, which proved to be fortunate as Izumi's position shifted in such a way that her standard-issue school button-up didn't like.

There was a sudden soft *pwing* as several of the buttons popped off forcefully, speeding away across the classroom!

Izumi let out an uncharacteristic squeak of alarm, and only narrowly avoided throwing Shujin off of his perch on top of her palm. The boy in question yelped and pressed himself flat to the surface of the blue-haired girl's hand, clinging to her skin as best he could while she momentarily flailed in alarm.

"W-whoa! I-Izumi! Calm down!"

"I-I'm calm, I'm calm! Argh, dammit! I can't believe that just happened! Why'd my shirt have to pop open during school of all times?!" Izumi groaned, tugging fruitlessly on the edges of her shirt, a decent-sized gap exposing a portion of the girl's massive cleavage now exposed thanks to the several missing buttons.

"D-don't look, Shujin! I swear, I'll-"

"I'm not looking! I'm not looking!"

And he really wasn't looking, Izumi realized. Despite the faint pink on his cheeks (visible even despite his tiny size), she could clearly see that the boy perched on her palm was resolutely staring upwards, eyes locked on the ceiling despite the holy treasure waiting below him.


It was taking every fiber of your being not to stare straight down. You knew what lay directly below you... and you knew that if you gave into temptation, you'd likely lose much of the goodwill you'd gained with Izumi.

"...Thanks, Shujin." There was no mistaking the red dusting her cheeks.

Izumi truly was a gorgeous girl, and the morons at your school who ignored her face in favor of her chest (which was pretty damn great, you wouldn't lie about that) didn't know what they were missing.

"Don't mention it. I, uh... I guess we'll have to figure something out before school ends today."

"Yeah... I'm... I mean, I have an idea, but..." and with that, the bodacious beauty trailed off, the redness on her cheeks returning ever so slightly. Just what was she thinking of?

But before you could ask Izumi what she had in mind, the door to the classroom slammed open! Izumi yelped at the unexpected noise, and this time you did get tossed a short distance up in the air! As you spun through the air, you saw that several students had entered the classroom all at once- three guys and two girls. None of them were paying attention to Izumi, for once, as all their attentions seemed to be locked on the phone of one of the group, playing some loud video.

Izumi's eyes widened, but she didn't dare lurch up from her seat- doing so would instantly yank the group's attention over to her, and by default, you as well.

As (ill) luck would have it, the startled girl's reflexes failed her as she attempted to catch you, and as you fell back down through the air, you missed landing back in her palm entirely, instead...

1) Plummeting straight into the exposed chasm of cleavage, becoming completely buried between Izumi's giant breasts!
2) Plummeting straight down the exposed gap in Izumi's shirt, leaving you rolling down one mountainous breast!
3) You land in Izumi's wide open mouth!
March 23
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