Cleavage crash-landing!
· original author:
Izumi really didn't know what to feel write now. On one hand, she was glad that Shujin had avoided harm- at his size a fall of a foot or so could've easily been fatal. Doubly that he hadn't landed in her mouth or something. That would've been really, really bad.

But... Izumi sure wasn't happy with where Shujin had landed either.

Somehow, nobody other than her had noticed the tiny boy falling through the air... or when he'd disappeared into the gaping valley of cleavage exposed by her missing buttons!

Izumi had let out another uncharacteristic squeak at the feeling of the boy's tiny body impacting her soft, supple flesh- the boob flesh providing more than bouncy and soft enough to provide the free-falling Shujin with a safe, soft landing.

If only he'd stopped there, Izumi could've nabbed him before his bouncing body could've slipped out of sight! But she'd been too slow on the uptake, paralyzed by the new, erotic, and strangely good sensation of that tiny form bouncing off of the marshmallow-soft surface of her gigantic breasts! In the split second that had passed in Izumi's trance-like state, Shujin's trajectory bouncing around on top of her bosom had sent him directly over her deep, dark canyon of cleavage... and with nothing to stop him, he sank down between the humongous globes of flesh!

One of the girls looked over at the suddenly mortified Izumi, whose expression was a mixture of pale-white horror and red-cheeked embarrassment.

"Something got your attention, Izumi? You, uh... you don't look so good right now."

"N-no! E-everything's fine!" Izumi stuttered, desperately wishing she was anywhere but here right now. She could at least keep her arms crossed over her massive bust to hide her exposed cleavage from view, but it still didn't do anything to change the fact that Shujin was still stuck inside her cleavage! How the hell was she supposed to get him out now?! Class was starting within the next couple of minutes, and there was no way she'd be excused from class again after taking so long earlier!

Which meant... she'd have to spend the entire class period, at the minimum with Shujin stuck between her breasts! Izumi's thought process was going something like this right now;

'Hi everybody, my name is Izumi Aoyama. I turn 19 in a few months, it's unconfirmed but I probably have macromastia, and I'm keeping one of my classmates concealed in my cleavage right now.'

What was a girl to do? Izumi ducked her head down and kept her arms crossed over the open section of her shirt, hoping the classmates entering the classroom wouldn't notice her burning cheeks.


Well... this was, without a doubt, the best and worst position you'd ever been in in your entire life. You knew that pretty much every other guy at school would've sold his soul for thirty seconds of what you were experiencing right now- to have your entire body submerged between Izumi Aoyama's gigantic breasts. It was soft, warm, cozy... the list of positive words went on and on... It was also pitch dark- Izumi's breasts pressed together far too tightly to allow light into her cleavage, leaving you sealed in, completely lost to the world.

Plus, you were safe, if nothing else. Honestly, this was probably the safest you'd been since before you'd been shrunken at all. There were two enormous pillows on either side of you, large and soft enough that no amount of physical force could hurt you so. You were quite certain that any blow to Izumi's chest would've bounced of of the girl's humongous boobs!

But you still couldn't shake the sickly, guilty feeling in your mind- Izumi had, out of the goodness out her own heart, offered to help you out when you were out your most vulnerable. And it just felt... wrong- like you were taking advantage of the girl's good graces by just lying back and enjoying this!

But on the other hand, it wasn't like you'd intended to go into Izumi's cleavage- that had just been the result of an outrageous comedy of errors. Gravity had done the rest- you'd had no say in where you were falling.

Plus... you didn't think that you could actually escape from the great Aoyama Mountain range. You were crammed between Izumi's breasts pretty damn tightly. Like... like a sardine in a can!

'Geez... Izumi, would it kill you to not wear such a tight bra?!' Seriously, her breasts were pressing down on you with an ungodly amount of force! The only reason you hadn't been ground into a paste between them was the sheer softness of the titanic twins.

Thinking it over (not like you could do anything but think right now, seeing as you couldn't actually move), you realized that Izumi probably didn't have much variety in the bras she could wear. It wasn't something you were experienced with- Hotaru was small at best, and you didn't really talk to any other girls.

Izumi, on the other hand? It was go big or go home with her. She probably had to buy whatever fit her... or more likely, whatever she could cram her gigantic boobs into. The bra she was wearing must've been an older one... because the pressure her breasts were exerting on you did not feel normal! Seriously, it felt like the overly-tight undergarment she was wearing was attempting to squeeze her massive chest down- and wasn't that a thought? That Izumi's gigantic boobs were even bigger (or at least, less-compressed) than they looked?

'Hrrngh... there's got to be something I can do...'

As heavenly as it felt to be suspended in Izumi's soft, pillowy cleavage... she was still a girl you barely knew. A girl who you knew hated it when people treated her like a slab of meat.

1) You're unable to do anything. You and Izumi wait the entire period for the class to end before she can take you out of her cleavage.
2) It takes an enormous amount of effort, but you're able to squirm and wriggle back to the surface... far enough that you're able to pop you head and arms out of Izumi's cleavage!
3) Honestly? Fuck it. This has been a weird day. And Izumi's bosom is warm and soft, her heartbeat soothing. You pass out in a deep sleep and wake up an undetermined amount of time later...
March 23 · edited March 23
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