You fall right into her almost finished beer.
· original author:
Your terrifying descent completely erased any progress you made in getting Akira's attention. You'd be frustrated if you weren't so paralysed with fear. You always had a feeling your condition would be what killed you one day. You just didn't think your life would be this anti-climatic. Is this really how it's going to end? A whole childhood, a life that had barely begun, snuffed out by a simple head turn of a titaness businesswoman. These thoughts and a thousand more crossed your mind in a matter of milliseconds before everything went dark. 'Am I dead?, you wondered, 'I always thought death would be a lot more painf--'


You suddenly found yourself in some cold liquid. You thrashed around in a state of panic before managing to gain some form of composure and resurface. You gasped for sweet air and began to take note of your surroundings. The air had a boozy mugginess to it. The liquid around you had foamed from your recent impact. The only source of light came from a small hole on the ceiling through which you could see the outside world. You knew exactly where you were but your brain hadn't quite accepted it yet. Through some bizarre version of a miracle, your life had been saved by a can of beer.

You laughed at your miraculous survival. You didn't have the mathematical know-how to calculate the odds but you'd beaten them! However, your celebrations were cut short by the realisation that a whole new problem had presented itself. A problem even more dangerous than the last; 'How do I get out of here?'

"AKIRA!! AKIRA! I'M STUCK IN HERE! HELP!!" your voice echoed through the tin prison but not enough to gain the attention of your unbeknownst captor. You swam to the wall and began hitting it as hard as you could, but just staying afloat had worn you out so much already. You couldn't make as much noise as you'd hoped and saw no sense in exerting yourself anymore than you had. You considered drinking the rest of the beer so you wouldn't drown but at your size, you'd be passed out drunk, floating around in the beer like a dead insect before you even got a quarter of the way done.

"AKIRAAA!!!" you tried again, fresh out of ideas. Maybe you are going to die today.

Suddenly, the beer started moving. The current sent you toward the other side of the can. Had she heard you? Did that really just work? You looked up at the ceiling hoping to see a giant eyeball peering down at you, or a tiny piece of string for you to hold on to. Instead, you were greeted with a sight you never realised could be so horrifying.

Akira's mouth was wide open, ready to accept the glorious bounty of booze that lay deep within the can. The entire prison tipped and the alcohol carried you along to your fate. You swam desperately against the herculean current but you didn't stand a chance. It wasn't long before the can was completely upside down and you were once again submerged under the surface. You swallowed what felt like pint after pint of beer as you struggled for air.

As you tried and tried to swim to whatever source of air you could find, something big and warm prodded you. You had no idea what was going on but you clinged to it, praying it would be some sort of salvation. The Fleshy Prodder pushed you against an squishy, equally warm, wall and the beer was suddenly drained all around you. You took a huge swig of the air once again only to find it didn't seem as fresh this time. The Fleshy Prodder let you go and you managed to get a brief look at your new surroundings. It was dark again but much hotter. It still had that beer smell but had remnants of other things. Food and the like perhaps. Putting two and two together, you realised you were in Akira's mouth! And The Fleshy Prodder that saved you was her toungue!

Before you got a chance to panic, a flood of light entered and you found yourself yet again being emptied out of your prison. You landed with a wet slap against Akira's hand and made no attempt to stand. You were too tired to do anything.

"What the heck is this?" Akira says, holding you up to her face. "Is that a person?!" she held you between her thumb and finger and dangled you in front of her eye.

"Akira, please don't freak out! I can explain." You say as quickly as you can. You feel a slight fuzziness in your head, no doubt due to the beer you'd consumed a minute ago.

"Oh... my god. It's you! What is this?!"

"I go to Yamaku. This is my condition."

"You shrink?!"

"Yyyup." you surprise yourself with how well you're taking this. Maybe that beer is having a bigger effect on you than you'd anticipated.

"W-well what am I supposed to do?! Take you back to the school?"

"Bah, no way!! I ain't in no mood for school today, not now, let's go do summin'!" you have definitely become inebriated. Part of you knows you're acting like a tool but your brain is saying 'who cares?'

"How did you get in my beer?" Akira asked,

"Fell. You knocked me off your shoulder and I fell right in there. It was all like 'swish!!'"

"Mmhmm, and did you, um... drink?"

"A little bit. Which I guess to me is a lot'a bit! Geddit? 'Cuz I'm so little?"

"I see." Akira dialled a number on her phone. "Hey, it's me. Yeah, I'm going to need the rest of the day off. It's a um, family issue. I'll explain to you tomorrow. Okay. Great. Thanks, bye." she hangs up and stares at you.


"Okay, fine, lets go do something." She grabs her bag and stands up.

"Wait, wait, where we going?" you ask, surprised she's actually agreed to your absurd idea.

"I'm not taking you back to Yamaku until you sober up. So you're stuck with me until then."

"So where are we going?" you repeat.

February 17
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