Climbing the Corporate Lawyer
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You made contact with wool and clutched as hard as you could. Success, you managed to hold onto something. Now you just had to make your way straight up an arm the size of a tall building before you lost your grip or fell off. Realizing you had no time to waste, you began climbing. The task was actually less difficult than you had expected. There were more than enough fine threads that you could grab onto and they weren't too rough on your skin either. Must be a very high quality suit. What exactly did Akira do for a living? The climb itself was fortunately uneventful. Akira seemed content to just sit quietly and enjoy the sounds of the park. Occasionally she would take a swig of beer, but she was holding it in her other hand so the movement didn't bother you at all.

Before too long, you reached her shoulder and thankfully hoisted yourself onto the soft pad sewn into the suit. As tired as your arms were you couldn't rest yet. Akira's ear was in sight, partially obscured by her short, blonde hair. A small red stud stood out, giving you a spot to focus on for the next part of your plan, shouting as loud as you could. Now that you were this close, She should be able to hear you... hopefully. You filled up your lungs and called out, "AKIRA! LOOK ON YOUR SHOULDER!"

For the first time, you could really feel her body moving beneath you. Her head was moving, she heard you! But... does she notice you?
February 17
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