Failure to Communicate
· original author:
You felt a wave of relief as Akira turned her head in your direction. Her massive, red eyes were looking down near you, If only they had been looking at you instead. Akira only gave her shoulder a quick glance before she started to turn away. Whether she didn't look down far enough or her nose was in the way, she failed to spot you and was turning to check her other shoulder. You were so distraught that she failed to see you, you failed to she the back of her hair swinging towards you. The gentle sway of her golden locks had enough force to knock you clean off her shoulder.

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Akira, turned her attention away from the fauna to see if that kid was having anymore trouble on his way back to the convenience store. Surprisingly he was completely out of sight already. Guess he was alright after all. She took another sip of her drink and continued to enjoy her quiet time. This was easily her favorite park in the area as it was far enough from the city to feel like she had actually escaped the hustle and bustle. She just took in the sounds and smells of the area while she slowly enjoyed her beverage. The peace was broken by a faint noise.

"Akira... shoulder"

Was that a voice? Curious, she glanced at her left shoulder, the direction she thought she heard the noise come from. Nothing obvious over there. She checked her other side to be thorough, not a soul in sight. Shrugging, she moved to finish her drink and head out.

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You were so surprised by the soft impact of Akira's hair, you didn't shout until you were flying through the air. You weren't hit very far and you were still going to land somewhere on her person, but where?
February 17
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