The Unprofessional Professional
· original author:
Welcome to Yamaku Academy! The prestigious school for disabled children! You've been attending this place for just under a week now and you had to admit; despite the obvious, Yamaku is just like any other school you've been to. Your particular disability was a unique one. At random times, often with little warning or provocation, you would shrink. Sometimes you just lost and inch, sometimes you'd shrink to less than an inch. As baffling as it was to anyone who's seen the results, a cure was developed for you. While not preventative, it would reverse the shrinking process and return you to your normal height. The campus was specially tailored to assist teenagers with severe ailments and everyone you've met has seemed nice, but you still didn't feel comfortable sharing your condition with others. Anytime you had shared this information before they either didn't believe you or insist that you let them watch it happen. Fortunately, you haven't had any episodes yet and to celebrate making it to the weekend, you decided to check out the convenience store down the road from the school. You picked out some snacks and looked at what else the place had to offer, making mental notes of things you might pick up in the future. You paid for your items, stowed them in your bag, hit the bathroom, and started to head back to your dorm. Looking around you saw the entrance to a park not to far away. On a whim you decided to take a walk through, it wasn't like you had anything pressing to do. The setting sun peeking through the trees was really quite beautiful. Your pleasant mood didn't last though, as you felt a familiar tingle throughout your body. You clutched your head and nearly lost your balance as you stumbled onto a nearby bench as you felt the onset of a shrinking episode. You drew some deep breaths as you waited for the effects to pass. You opened your eyes and were revealed to find that you seemed to still be at an acceptable size.

"You OK there kid?" An concerned voice asks from immediately next to you.

You look to your right to see a blonde woman in a pinstripe suit. She had a black bag at her side, a can in her hand, and a worried look on her face.

"Sorry. I'm fine, really. Thanks," You try to assure, doing your best to wipe any look of fear from your face.

"You don't need to try to act tough for me kid. You go to Yamaku right?" She asks, seeming to take you at your word.

"Y-yeah," You answer. "How did you know?"

"Well you did stagger around like you were having some kind of attack before flopping down next to a stranger despite the fact that there is an empty spot 10 feet away."

Ouch, does this school have a bad reputation that nobody told you about? It is a school for cripples, maybe the nearby town has had some issues in the past. You were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of snickering. Looking back over you could see that this sharp-dressed woman was laughing.

"I'm just kidding kid, I recognize the uniform," She confesses, still chuckling visibly.

You sigh, "Oh good. Here I was thinking I made a fool of myself in public."

"Sorry, maybe that was a little too mean to say to a stranger," She relents, taking a sip from her drink.

"Don't worry. I'm sorry I bothered you."

"Don't be," She replies, her voice oddly soothing, "I don't mind spending a little time with someone new. Akira Satou." She extends her hand.

"A pleasure to meet you Ms, Satou," You say as you shake her hand. Her name sounds familiar but you can't place it. "Do you live in the area?"

"Nah, I'm just visiting my sister, you might know her."

"Probably not, I just transferred here. In fact this is my first time off campus.

"Is that so?" She takes another swig from her drink and looks off to the side.

With the conversation drying up, you looked over this interesting new acquaintance of yours. She looked like a foreigner judging from her height and hair, reminding you of someone you meet at school. You had met several unusual characters in your short time at Yamaku, but you hadn't really connected with anyone yet so you couldn't really remember who she reminded you of. She certainly looked like a professional with her business suit. From a distance you might have mistaken her for a man, though she was a little slender. Close up though it was easy to see that she had plenty of feminine features though. Glancing at the can she was holding, you identified it as beer but didn't recognize the brand. Before you could think of something else to talk about, the tingle came back. It was rare for you to have two episodes in a row, but you usually took your medicine right after the first. You reach for your bag before you realize that you didn't have it. Crap, you must have left it back in the bathroom at the convenience store.

"You sure you're alright kid? You seem worried about something," Akira asks, concern returning to her face and voice.

"Sorry, I just realized that need to go take my medicine,"

"You need a ride back to campus? I can drive you there quick if you need."

"I left it in my bag a the store just down the street but thank you very much for the offer." She still looks concerned and you can't help but feel a little touched by her kindness. " I'm at no risk of keeling over if that's what you're thinking. It was very nice meeting you Ms. Satou."

"Akira is fine kid," She says as she leans back.

"Very well. Goodbye Akira."

"I'll see ya if I see ya."

You get up to leave as she takes another sip of beer. The second you turn you back on her, you feel bolt shoot through your body. You close your eyes and try to call out, but you find yourself unable to speak. You feel strange, like you were falling a great distance. When it was over, you found that you were flat on your back, lying on the hard ground. You pick yourself up and rub your head before allowing your eyes to open. To your horror, you found that you had shrunk and landed on a bench. Judging from the size of the bench, you were and inch tall at most. The sound of something shifting behind you caused you to turn around. Your jaw dropped at the sight of the now giant Akira. It's a good thing that you made friends with her because you were now in desperate need of her help. Did she notice what happened to you?
February 17
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