Reaching Mt. Akira
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Unfortunately, Akira was looking at noisy woodpecker while you were shrinking and was completely oblivious to your peril. You tried calling out to her but at this size, it was impossible for her to hear you this far away. If she was listening for you or you were right next to her ear you'd probably be OK, but it was going to take some effort on your end to satisfy either of those conditions. As dangerous as it was to come into contact with a giant, unaware woman, you had to get her attention before she left. If you were left on this bench while the size of an ant, you'd likely be sat on by the next person to rest or eaten by some wild animal.

You stated by scaling her bag as it was leaning up against her arm. With the small groves in the dark leather and the angled assent, it was actually a pretty easy climb. You made it to the top in about a minute, less than a stones throw away from her suit sleeve. The problem now was that you'd have to jump over the narrow opening that was the top of the bag. It wasn't a large jump as it was only cracked open, but you'd have to grab onto the smooth fabric to avoid tumbling into the darkness below. You leaned back as far as you could and leaped towards the nearest pinstripe.
February 17
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