Rin goes straight to her dorm and falls asleep ...
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By the time Rin got back to her dorm room, it was already past 10:00 pm. And she was already yawning as well. But first, she had one last trial to deal with. Getting her door open. Not a problem for her, as she was used to doing this by herself. Though it was problematic at times, she could do it on her own if she needed.

That's when you felt Rin's body starting to shift back. It felt as though she was laying down on her back in the hallway.

"What the Hell is she doing?" You wondered to yourself. So you decided to take a quick peak outside her shirt. And that's when you saw her right foot holding the doorknob, and the left one fiddling with a key and trying to fit it inside the lock.

"Everyone's gotta cope i guess." You thought in astonishment as Rin unlocked the door and opened it up, using nothing but her own two feet. Then Rin got back up and walked into her room.

"Whew. I'm beat. I think I'll get an early night tonight." Rin said as she walked over to her bed and slipped herself feet first underneath her bedsheets. Then she rested her head on her pillows and slowly went off to dreamland.

After about fifteen minutes, (give or take five or ten more), After you made sure Rin was in a deep enough sleep, you tried making your way out of her bra. Then--
February 17
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