Waiting it out...
· original author:
"Where did he go?" Rin said, sounding somewhat confused about the whole ordeal.

"Did I just imagine him...? Hmm..." she continued, still completely unaware of your presence in her bra.





"Oh well" you hear her say after a long pause.

If you could move your arms you would be facepalming yourself so hard right now. How could she possibly think that whole conversation you had was a hallucination!?

"What was I doing again? Oh, right..." Rin said, still talking to herself.

Rin finished up eating and got up off the windowsill she was sitting on and started to walk back to the dorms with you in tow. There was definitely no going back now if she caught you.

As Rin headed back to the girl's dorms for the night, you wondered if you were ever going to get out of this mess...
February 17
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