She calls for you.
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"Hey!" You looked upwards as you heard Rin talking.

"Little guy! Where are you? Are you okay? Did i hurt you? Please tell me you're okay little guy." You were about to respond to her, but something stopped you from speaking up. Then it hit you yet again. You couldn't just tell her where you were. She'd probably just think you hid in her shirt just for kicks and call you a pervert. She probably wouldn't even help you get your meds if she found you in her bra like this. No. Telling her where you were was out of the question. So then, what was there left to do? You could try waiting it out in her bra and wait for her to go somewhere where you could sneak out and make something up if you needed to. Or you could try climbing down from the inside of her clothes and try tapping on her feet and make something up that way. Either way, you had to make a choice now.
February 17
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