My heart beats like a drum.
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You slowly opened your eyes as you wondered where you were. You remembered walking through the halls looking for your next class when you felt like you were going to shrink. Then you ran into the art room where you met Rin. Then you ended up shrinking down to a few inches tall. And then you remembered Rin falling on top of you. From the looks of things, she didn't kill you. But that begs the question. Where did she go, and where are you now? As you pondered these things, you heard the sound of a drum beating behind you. You turned around to see a flesh like wall and vibrations coming from the wall. For some odd reason, you thought it sounded like a heart beating. Then you looked behind you to see some sort of cloth like wall behind you as well. Then you looked at either side of you and saw two fleshy mounds that looked like-

"" Then it hit you like a ton of bricks. You remembered Rin fell on top of you chest first. That meant that you somehow slipped into her shirt, got caught in her bra, and are now stuck between her.....breasts. As soon as you realized this, your face turned as red as a tomato. And then the nose bleeds. You tried to think of a way out of here when suddenly...
February 17
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