Underwear drawer
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You fall out of Lilly's fingers for a short distance and land on something soft with a bounce. Before the drawer is shut with a large grinding sound, you make out multiple pastel silken mounds around you.

You conclude you must have been dropped straight into Hanako's very own underwear drawer! Beautiful girl's undergarments, as far as the eye can see... not that your eyes can see very far in this case.

Surely Lilly didn't mean to drop you there? Apparently neither of them noticed, as the only thing you hear is Lilly's footsteps as she presumably returns to keeping Hanako company.

With nothing else to notice but a crack of light coming in from the top of the drawer, you begin to take in your surroundings in other ways. The smell is more or less as expected, the typical smell of well-washed laundry, with a touch of lavender. You prod around a bit and notice nothing else odor-wise, though you wonder how you would have responded if you did.

From what you can hear outside, Hanako and Lilly drone on about their school day, not offering much more mention of you or your situation for the time being.

With nothing much more to experience here, you wonder what you should do now to pass the time until you're let out. You could always take a nap for a while; the silken panties below you would make a wonderful bed. Of course, you could also explore around a bit, see if there's anything else interesting in this dark drawer. You were already inadvertently invited in here, no harm in investigating, right?
February 17