stay put so you don't awaken her
Three Wishes Chapter 9
You don't want to make this woman aware of your presence so you lay quietly against her breast and hope to escape when she is fast asleep. As you lay there she shifts her position and you are partially pinned under her breast and unable to move. You hope she will shift again but it doesn't happen before you fail asleep from exhaustion.

It is morning when you are awaken by her movements and when she sits up you as free from her breast and tumble down through her shirt to the bed. You look up and see that she felt you and spotted you on the bed. Before you can make a move her hand comes down and you are grab up between her fingertips. She hold you up to her face and smiles at you before checking that her daughters are still asleep. She says something to you but it is in a language you don't understand. She opens her hand and you fall back onto your back in the palm into her hand. He fingertip from the other hand descends and starts to play with your naked body to her delight.

You struggle to get free of her finger and she plucks you back between her fingers and looks at you again. You try to communicate with her and yell, "I am the sultan and your daughter took my ring. I need you to get it back." She either doesn't understand you or chooses to ignore you and laughs at your words. She bring you down to her bared breast and uses the hair on your head to tickle her nipple. You struggle in her grip but it is impossible. She repositions you so your facing her nipple and she pushes your face into it a couple time before you realize she wants you to kiss it. You comply to get her to stop ramming you into it and she purrs with satisfaction.

After completely kissing both her nipples she gets dressed and carries you to their kitchen where she leaves you on the table while she makes a simple breakfast for her family. You are stuck on the table naked with no way down and when both daughters come in and sit down for breakfast. They spot you and immediately start chattering at you and playing with you poking and prodding at you. You see the younger daughter still has the ring on and you point at it and jump up and down. She sees your interest and takes it off and holds it over your hear. You jump up and try to grab it and after several attempts you succeed and are left hanging on dangling over the table. You quickly start to say, "I wish to be..." but she shakes the ring before you can finish and you tumble back down to the table. Her sister sees the ring and they both start to argue leaving you alone on the table.

Their mother comes over with bowls of some kind of porridge and says something causing the young girl to give the ring back to her sister who slips it on her finger. They all start to eat and the mother pulls you over to her and gives you a bit of the porridge to eat. The girls finish and leave to go to whatever work they do during the day and the mother cleans up. When she is finished she comes back for you with a length of twine. She carefully ties the twine around your ankles and then makes a large loop with the rest of the twine. She puts the loop over her head leaving you dangling upside down between her breasts. She goes back to their sleep quarters and puts on an undergarment that supports her breast. She positions you with your face right in front of her nipple and she tightens the garment leaving you trapped against her nipple. She gives you a couple pokes once she is dressed and you realize she wants you to kiss her nipple. She finishes dressing that then goes to work in the palace kitchens.

She keeps you in there for the whole morning switching you to her other breast after a few hours and finally she positions you between her massive breasts giving you a break for the rest of the day.

When she gets home that night, she decides to
August 17, 2023