A slave girl comes into the room to clean.
Three Wishes Chapter 7
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You had a bit of a issue before you, you needed to get up onto the night stand, but the top while only around an inch or so higher then the bed might as well been over 50 feet for you. You had to figure something out, maybe you could use a thread as rope and somehow use it to grapple over to the dresser and climb up? You weren't sure if you could do that or if it would even work in reality. This question however, would never be answered as a light quake rocked the bed under your feet. You looked away from the night stand checking on Raelin, but she hadn't moved at all and seemed to be sleeping deeply.

Thats when the great shadow fell over you, you looked out to see a towering monolith of a woman, but it wasn't a girl from the harem. Instead it was one of the slaves that did upkeep around the palace. She wore simple rather modest clothing, a long silk dress that went down to her ankles. It was rather plain when compared to the rather extravagant things the girls of your harem wore and took off for that matter.

You had no desire to look for help from some rather slave girl, after all if one of your own harem couldn't be trusted at this size how could this girl? So you readied yourself to wait until she left, that was until she got to the night stand. She dusted it off, nothing strange, but then she eyed the ring. You could only look on as the girl picked it up and glanced over at the sleeping Raelin before slipping down into her cleavage and going back to work.

This couldn't be! If she left with that ring it might as well be gone for good, you couldn't let her get away! You had to follow her somehow, but that would mean jumping on and clinging to this girl's dress. It would only take one wrong move then a mile or so fall down from her hips to the hard floor below. You glance back to Raelin, you could always go back to her for help she could stop this girl far easier then you could. Then of course you could forget the ring and try to make it to the lamp on foot. However, you'd last seen that in the common room which would mean getting down off the bed and heading there on foot.
August 17, 2023
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