Jump for the Dress
Three Wishes Chapter 8
You make a wild leap for the slave girl's dress and you succeed. It has some small holes and you are able to get a foothold in one and hold on. She finishes cleaning up and heads back to return her cleaning supplies and get some food for the day. You hold on hoping to get back to the ring as the world whirls by you and you see that you are leaving the safety of the harem and headed for lesser quarters.

She finally stops when she gets home and she gives the food to her mother and you see that she has a younger sister too. She goes into another room which must be their shared bedroom and puts the ring down on a rustic table before flopping in the bed. You drop from her dress and not a moment too soon as she is called to share a meal with her family. You are on the bed and realize you nee to cross the room and climb the table to get to the ring.

You climb down from the bed and begin to cross the floor. At your size this is taking a lot of time but no one is there and you have plenty of time to spare. You are midway across the room when suddenly the younger sister comes in the room looking for something. She wears a ratty old dress probably a hand me down. She looks to be about eight years old but she still towers over you like a skyscraper. There is nowhere to hide as she crosses the room and you see her dirty bare feet headed directly for you. You are frozen as she steps over you with her foot coming down to close for comfort. You start to run toward the table but she comes back and the edge of her foot catches you sending you flying across the floor. You lies on the floor slightly battered as you watch her spot the ring and slip it on her thumb before leaving the room.

You need a plan to get back to the ring. You look around the room and see there are only two beds and you realize you can hide in the sister's bed and when she goes to sleep you can get the ring. You reverse course and head toward the bed which with tremendous effort you are able to climb and wait.

Finally bedtime comes and you watch as they all come in to retire for the day. You are a little embarrassed as you watch the mother and both sisters change into a night shirt to sleep. Then you watch in confusion and then horror when you realize your mistake. The two sisters get into the same bed together and you realize your in the wrong bed. Before you can react the mother comes over to the bed and lies down. She has a rough blanket that she pulls close and you get dragged along with it.
You get dragged along as she shifts around with the blanket to get comfortable and you tumble down into the V-neck of her nightshirt and down between her breasts. You lie there trying to contemplate your next move and decide to ...
August 17, 2023