lay there and wait for her next move.
Three Wishes Chapter 5
· original author:
You find yourself resting between the towering red head's tits looking up to the large hills resting on her chest. You wait for her to please you only to find her moving around, the ground under you rolling and shaking. You crash into the side of one of her breasts before being tossed back flat on your back. "What is going on up there Raelin!?" You yell out, "Sorry Sultan, I was just grabbing your ring." "My ring?" You asked confused as you turn around standing on to see Raelin slipping the ring on her finger. "Well of course, you used this to change your size and now I can give my Sultan more Raelin to enjoy." You weren't sure what she meant, but then she spoke once more and you felt your heart stop. "Make my Sultan see me as a vast land for him to explore and enjoy!" You weren't sure if the ring would know what to do with that order, but soon enough you found yourself shrinking. The ring had complete control of your size no matter who wore it and it seemed it under stood what someone meant even if not giving an exact size.

The sloping hills of her chest start to rising above you, soon taller they were taller then you, then a house, a building. When its all over you find yourself looking up hundreds of feet the peak of her tit looming high in the sky. You are left speechless the ground shaking as the rumbling of Raelin giggling shakes the world you now find yourself in.

"O my, I can hardly see you my Sultan."

You look up to see a looming green eye looking down into her own cleavage, the Sultan now a speck on the girl's clear skin. You find yourself small enough to go unnoticed to insignificant to even be a blemish on one of your harem girl's chest. You couldn't tell exactly how small you had ended up, but it was under 1mm at least leaving the towering Raelin several miles tall. You struggle to take her all in looking down from her looming emerald eye to her massive smiling lips as they parted to speak.

"I think there is more then enough of me for my Sultan now. I shall rest and you enjoy my body my Sultan, it is yours."

You struggle to stand against the sweet winds of her breath as they wash over you. Her words shaking you to your core, you wanted to be small, but this was too much! "No, I order you to change me back!" You yell out, but she doesn't notice a thing, your voice far to small now to be heard. She simple smiles slipping off the ring and dropping it off back on the nightstand next to her off in the distance before laying back.

It seemed you were on your own now, you needed to get that ring and get back to full size. However, you had no idea how you'd do that. You could try crossing Raelin and heading across the bed and try to find a way to climb up to the nightstand. However, it might be better to try and get Raelin's help, but that would mean getting far closer to her ear so she could hopefully hear you.
August 17, 2023
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