Brittney's House
Three Wishes Chapter 26
They arrive at Brittney's house and Danielle takes you out and dumps you onto a glass coffee table. You look around and this seems to be a nice suburban house from what you can see. Before you can do much a hand descends on you and you are grabbed up by Brittney who holds you tightly with encircling you with her index finger and thumb. "OK, little man. Why are you so small and are you the only one?" You look back at her and say "I used to be big but an evil genie shrank me. I finally got to my girlfriend and she was helping me but her boss accidently threw me in the trash and I was trying to get back to her when you kidnapped me."

Brittney squeezes you and says "We didn't kidnap you. We saved you from being stepped on in the mall. You're free to leave anytime." She drops you back onto the coffee table and you walk to the edge but it is too high to jump. "Go ahead and go if you want" Brittney tells you but you can't get down. "I guess you do want to stay here, right girls?" and they all laugh at you. "I gave you a chance to leave but you so now you belong to us."

Cassie picks you up by the legs and dangles you upside down in front of her face and says "Do you think I'm hot? Wanna kiss me?" and brings you up to her lips before you can respond and gives you a wet kiss across the face leaving spit and lipstick on you that you can't wipe off. "Are my kisses too much for you" she laughs and her tongue some at you ands licks you across the face the few times. "So what should we deo with him?" she asked her friends as she lowered you back to the table.

Alice responds :"I have a doll house that's about his size he could live in/" Brittney intercedes and says "I think a hamsters cage might be be better. He won't be able to get out." While they all talk about plans for you, Brittney gets up and comes back with an empty soda bottle and sets it on it's side near you and continues "I think we should play spin the bottle and the winner gets to take him home and do what she wants for a night and then we can do it again tomorrow until we all have a turn with him." They all agree and Cassie sets you astride the bottle as the girls position themselves around you evenly. "Ready?" she asks followed by hold on tight and she gives the bottle a spin sending you in motion.

You spin around and around and feel like you are going to vomit as their faces flash by and you hold on for dear life. Finally the bottle stops and it points to...
August 17, 2023