A Girl Spots You In the Doorway
Three Wishes Chapter 25
You think you have it made but there is one girls lagging behind the others and she sees you and gabs you up in her fist giving you a brief glance and a smile. She runs to catch up to her three friends and says "Wait up. You have to see this." A moment later she opens her hand and you are surrounded by four teenage girls staring down at you.

"Wait is that?" asks a girl with straight black hair. "It's a little naked guy. He was trying to come in the mall door at the same time as us." They all continue to start and a girl with long auburn hair gives you a poke and says "You're lucky we didn't step on you shorty. Can you talk? Do you have a name?"

You reply "My name is Joe. I'm trying to get to Victoria's Secret. My..." but you get cut off my the girl with the black hair. "Are you some kind of sex toy they sell there." she says and they all laugh, she continues to one of the other girls "I told you they sell kinky shit in the back." She turns to the girl holding you "Hold on to him Alice and we'll find out more when we stop for lunch. Alice unzips a small purse she's carrying and stuffs you inside and zips it shut.

You are trapped in this girl's purse that you assume is named Alice as they go from store to store with the bag swaying away. It's a couple hours when they stop at the mall food court for lunch. Alice takes you out a dumps you on the table between them. They are all eating fast food and sipping from drinks that are at least twice your size. The girl with the auburn hair says to you "HI little Joey? I'm Cassie. Would you like a French fry" and she waves one over my head making me jump for it. Finally she lowers it to my reach and I grab on only to lift it back in the air with me holding on for dear life. "I think the little guy is hungry. He won't let go of that fry." She set you down on her tray and you start eating the warm fry.

After a few minutes and you having your fill of the fry, the black haired girl grabs you off the tray and looks you over. "You are a dirty little one. Have you been dumpster diving?" and they all laugh at her joke. You look back at her and say "As a matter of fact yes I was. I got thrown out by accident and I escaped and was trying to get back to my girlfriend." She tells you "You're too small to have a girlfriend. You sure you aren't this girl's toy. Well, finders keepers and you are ours now." and drops you to the table.

The fourth girl who hasn't said much picks you up. She has soft features and light brown hair, picks you up and looks at you. "You are so mean, Brittany" this girl tell the one with black hair "This little guy is probably scared to death of us." She pets you like a little animal and coos at you. "You're such a softie for little things, Danielle. Now put him some place safe. We can clean him up when we get to my house." and this girl Danielle sticks you in her bag and zips you inside trapping you again.

Alice says "Wait, I found him. He's mine. Give him back." Brittany intercedes and says "You need to be better at sharing with your friends after all we are a sisterhood and we share everything, right girls?" and Cassie and Danielle agree to Alice's dismay. They dump there food and go there way as you are stuck in this girl's bag and soon to be leaving the mall and any chance to find Debbie.
August 17, 2023