Margaret Gets Some Alone Time With You
Three Wishes Chapter 42
Margaret tells Patti she can keep you in her room on the condition that she gets to talk to you first, Amazingly, Patti trusts her and drops you into her palm which closes around you securing you tightly. Margaret smiles down at you and says, "Now lets go someplace private to talk." as she takes you to her bedroom.

She enters the room and sit on the side of the bed still keeping you in her palm she opens her hand and looks down at you. "OK, first off", she says, "Cut the crap. You are telling me that you have a transportation device and it accidentally shrank you and transported you accidentally into my house? You expect me to believe that? Well I don't. I think you did it intentionally to spy on Patricia. Isn't that right?" She positions her thumb on your chest and presses enough to make you uncomfortable. "now tell me the truth", she orders you.

"Please stop" you cry out, "it hurts... OK I lied. I was actually shrunk by a genie and she transported me here when I asked her to send me someplace safe."

She let up on the pressure and looks at you/ "Genie? Are you kidding me? That's even more ridiculous a story. Prove it a summon your genie now.", she tells you.
Before you can respond her phone rings and she lowers you to the bed and turns her attention to the phone and answers it. While she is talking, you start to creep away from her across the bed but she sees you and she pulls you back against her thigh without hesitating in her conversation. She hangs up the phone and turns her attention back to you and grabs you by the ankles and hows you up in front of her face upside down. "That was my husband just calling that he will be working very late today. Now where is your genie", she asks you.

You yell out, "Jasmine please appear" several times but nothing happens. Margaret laughs at you and says, "Your problem is you're calling the wrong person. In Aladdin Jasmine was the princess the Genie was just called Genie. Anyway it;s a cartoon not real. Maybe your brain shrank too." She let out a big laugh and continued.... .
August 17, 2023