Tell Her You Want Out
Three Wishes Chapter 19
You know what she is like and staying with her wouldn't be your best option so you say "I want out of the house." She smiles and replies "OK, but you have to ask me really nice. After all I don't take orders from a little shrimp like you." She leans over and drops you on the floor as she sits on the side of the bed towering over you with her feet in sweat socks in front of you. "Now as your goddess nicely" she tells you. "Please can you help me get out of the house", you ask again.

She looks down at you and says "No bad but not quite good enough. How about you get on your hands and knees and try it again and this try address me as your goddess." You get down on your hands and knees just want to get this over with and say "Please goddess will you help me leave this house." She looks down at you smiling an evil grin "That's still better but something is missing." she tells you. She thinks for a moment and you watch as she pulls her socks off and tosses them on the bed and places her bare foot directly in front of you. "I think you need to kiss all my toes while you continue to beg me to help you and don't stop till I tell you."

You stand back up and tell her "No. I'm not doing that. Just take me back to Debbie right now." She stares back at you and shifts her foot so her toe collides with your groin and knocks you over. Before you can react she lowers her foot over you and says "I already told you that you don't give me orders. Now the only way you are going back to Debbie and is as a crushed pulp. I'll tell her you were in the hallway and I accidently stepped on you on my way to the bathroom. Now I am a forgiving goddess so I'll give you one last chance to ask me correctly or I'll slowly crush you under my foot."

She moves her foot away for the moment and you know she isn't bluffing so you crawl to her toes and start kissing her smelly feet while begging her to please help you leave the house. "Much better" she tell you "Now keep going and while you are down there you can lick the toe jam from between my toes." You keep working on her foot for a few minutes until she is satisfied and pulls her foot away.

"Good job. Your goddess is pleased." she says as she lifts you up off the floor between her finger tips dangling you above the bed. "Now it's too late to get you out so you'll have to wait until tomorrow when I'm going out to help you. Now I need someplace for you to wait for me." Her eyes widen and she picks up the dirty sweat sock that had been on her foot earlier. "This is a perfect place for you to hang out and you can continue to enjoy my foot stink." She drops you in and you fall down into the toe section. She rolls the sock up and folds in into it's mate so they are a ball with you inside and she lies back in bed tossing it in the air making you nauseous. "This is so much fun" she says continuing to toss you in the air "It will be a shame to see you go but maybe I can work it out so I'll be able to see you again."

She takes the sock ball with you in it and stuff it down a boot that she stands up next to her bed to make sure you can't escape like you did with her sister. You lie there miserable thinking "At least I'll get out of this house and away from this crazy girl. How much worse can the alternative be?"
August 17, 2023
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