Three Wishes Chapter 28

You get to read the script with her help and understand your role.  In the story, the husband that you will play is separated from his wife, played by Mary and getting ready to get divorced when she decides to shrink you and keep you and all your money instead of getting a divorce.  She does all kinds of things to humiliate him and in the end decides she doesn't want to keep him alive and flushes him in the toilet.


She explains they will shoot the first scene when you are full sized another day using a male actor friend of theirs and they just won't show I full shot of his face.  The first scene will be you naked under a pile of clothes right after she had shrunk and it goes from there.  Most of your lines involve begging a pleading with her to restore you which only served to annoy her.


The set up for filming in the living room where they place the pile of clothes with you inside.  As they start filming, Mary carefully picks up each piece of clothing giving it a shake.  You are tucked inside a sleeve of the shirt and told not to move until you are exposed and then you should run from her.  Mary picks up the shirt and gives it a shake and you come tumbling out.  She says "There you are my little mouse" and you take the cue to run away from her. 


She lets you get a head start reacting slowly to add dramatics and you head for the sofa to hide underneath but before you can get there her foot comes down in front of you and you slam into it and are stunned for a moment allowing her to grab you by the legs dangling you in front of her face far above the floor.  "Looks like I've finally have you right where I want you.   Guess we won't be needing that divorce after all."  


You do your part begging for her to restore you but she carries you into the kitchen and drops you onto a plastic cutting board and threatens to cut off your dick with a knife but eventually decides she doesn't want to take a chance killing you.  Instead she sticks you in a tall glass and takes pleasure in spitting on you while telling you off for being a lying cheating husband.  Every time you beg her to stop, she spits on you again hitting you in the face.


When you begged her to stop she filled the glass with water above your head.  You were able to use the sides to keep yourself above water but she delighted in using her finger to push yo underwater and hold you there several times.   Finally she dumped you out of the glass and into the sink.  She turned on the garbage disposal threatening you again and although it sounded like a monster under your feet she did try pushing you in.  


She carries you back into the living run and sits down on the sofa.  She drops you to the carpeted floor by her feet and tells you.  "If you want to beg for your life.  Now would be a good time.  If you do a good job I may let you live on the floor of the apartment as my little foot slave or maybe I can come up with a fun way to dispose of you nice and slowly.  Either way all the money will be mine now."  You immediately grovel at her feet kissing then and asking for her forgiveness.      


Mary responds by tilting her foot up and pushing you down onto your back with the sole of her foot.  She doesn't hurt you but you can feel the pressure against your body.  She goes on with a monologue about how she know you aren't sincere but maybe if you beg long enough you will finally mean it.  


After playing with you for a while with her toes, she removes her foot and picks you up dangling you again by your feet and says "Maybe I should just mail you to that receptionist at the firm you were cheating with.  Do you think she still like a mouse sized version of you?  Maybe she'd use you a a sex toy or keep you as a pet.  From what I know about her she'd probably toss you in the street.  No, I think you'll be much better here with me.  Maybe I'll keep you lock up in a bird cage and take you out when I feel like playing with you.  I'll let you drink my sweat and eat my toe jam when I come back from a run.  That sounds like fun."


Mary tells you "I bet you'd like me to use you as a sex toy and get a taste of my pussy.  Well you lost that privilege when you cheated on me.  She reaches over to a side table and picks up the prop shrink ray. "In case you're wondering this is how I shank you.  Look it has a shrink and restore feature.  That's right I can enlarge you anytime.  Now this button clears the memory and leave you shrunk permanently."  She pushes the button on the prop that she just showed you and says with a laugh "Whoopsie.  All gone.  Now you can stop begging to be restored."


You know that is his prompt to let lose on her and he is ready yelling "You stupid bitch.  You'll never find all my money.  I have it hidden so you'll never get your hands on it. "  You continue going on with the rant calling her all kinds of nasty names.  


She looks pissed off and grabs you in her fist squeezing you.  "What a potty mouth.  We'll need to fix that." as she carries him into the bathroom.    She lifts the toilet bowl lid and drops you inside into the cold water.  "Get me out of here, you stupid cow."  you scream and she just smiles and she drops her pants and sits down on the toilet plunging you into darkness and you figure you are down filming but suddenly she starts to pee hitting you in the head and says "Let me warm that water up for you."  You try to swim away from the stream when you smell something horrible and she drops a load in the water that is floating near you.  She stands up and you see her pussy as she wipes her ass and drops it on your head.  "You always were a piece of shit.  Seems appropriate that you'd be in the toilet.  Tell you what.  If you climb up on my log there and ride it, I'll help you out."


You are pissed at what she just did and scream "Fuck you bitch"  Mary responds "Suit yourself" and reaches for the handle to flush the toilet.  However instead of flushing she gets a rope that has a loop tied in it for you to climb onto.  She lifts you over to the sink and lets you get off in the sink.  Then they go back to finish the scene flushing the toilet without you.  She come back to the sink and fills it with warm water and uses the soap dispenser to squirt soap on you to allow you to clean yourself off.  They both leave you to bath while they go to the living room to check the footage they shot. 


Aubrey comes back in the bathroom after a while to rinse and dry you off.  "That was pretty good." she told you but I think we need a few more scenes to get the length I'm looking for.   Mary's coming up with some new scenes and we can film them later."  You look at Aubrey and say "She pissed and shit on me.  That wasn't in the script."   She says "Yeah, I know.  She had the urge to go and decided to improvise.  She does that some times.  She wanted to get you really pissed off for the effect."


You respond "Well can you get her not to improvise like that again.  I also didn't like getting spit on either."  Aubrey laughed and carries you back to the living room.  "Wow, one movie and you are already a  little diva.  Let's see what ideas Mary has for some other scenes."


January 5
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