Cindy the Mom
Three Wishes Chapter 23

Debbie's mom tells Cindy that she doesn't want you having anything to do with Debbie and they should decide your fate.  Cindy ends the call and puts her phone down.  She looks down at you and says "Looks like he have a problem, little man.  What am I going to do with you.  Karen doesn't want you need her Debbie and I don't want you with my daughters.  How am I going to get rid of you?  Burial at sea via the toilet or maybe the garbage disposal for a quick end?"


"Wait a minute" you respond, "if you kill me you'd be a murderer.  Do you want that on your conscience?"  Cindy thinks and answers "You have a point there so what can I do?  I could keep you and put you to work around here but my kids will find you, so that won't work."  She thinks some more and says "I could sell you.  You are pretty unique and I could use the cash.  I wonder..."  and she gets up and heads over to a laptop and starts typing.  


You get worried at what she might find as she continues to search and make notes.  After a few minutes she says "Did you know there are a lot of guys that would like to be tiny and owned by a woman.  Apparently, there is this whole giantess thing.  Now all I need to do is find women that wants a tiny man on here and then let the bidding begin.  Ka-Ching, Little man you are going to make me some money.


She goes over to her closet and gets out a jar and punches hole in the lid.  She gets you off the table and drops you in the jar and screws on the lid trapping you inside.  "That should keep you out of trouble until a find the perfect match for you."  


You bang on the glass to no avail and she smiles at you and carries the jar into her bedroom.  She walks into her closet and sets you down on a shelf and says "This is a win-win.  I get money and you get your fantasy girl.  rest up tiny cause I have a feeling you are going to need all your energy."


You sit in the bottom of this hard glass bottle prison and confront your bad luck.  Debbie only wanted you as a slave and then there was Stacey giving you to her friend as well as this mom who is less than helpful and is now looking to sell you.


It not until nightfall that she comes back with food and drink for you.  "I can't let my little cash cow  starve." she laughs as she leaves you back in the dark closet.  She feeds you again in the morning and says "I have quite a few possibilities now.  It's just a matter of details and money.  Hopefully I'll be rid of you by tomorrow."


It isn't until night time that she comes back and says "This when really well.  No problems.  Tomorrow, I'll be taking you to your new owner.  She... 

October 18, 2023
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