Mary Tells Your Secret
Three Wishes Chapter 26

Mary brings you back out to the living room where Aubrey is watching TV.  "The script is done" Mary tells her roommate, "but I have something even better to tell you.  This little guy is one of them, what do they call them...  Macrophilia.


Aubrey shifts her attention away from the TV and says "What are you saying?"  Mary replies "He's one of them, like the guys who subscribe.  He wanted to shrink and enjoy giant women.  He just jerk-off to me talking to him.  He says he found a magic lamp and made a wish to be small."


"Let me see him" Aubrey tells her and she takes you from her friend.  She looks down at you and says "Is that right, little guy.  You wished to be small because you like giant girls?"  You try to defend yourself and say "I didn't say that."  She strokes your penis lightly and you can't hold back your hard on.  Aubrey says "But it true, right?  You can't lie to us and if you do we'll find out.  Now tell me all about this wish.  How did you know you weren't going to be found by some kid or an old lady?"


You give up trying to hide from these girls as they aren't going to relent.  "OK, it's all true.  I also wished for a palace and a harem of girls to enjoy."  Mary interjects "Let me guess.  They all treated you like a toy and you realized you didn't like that?"  You respond "Kinda.  I made a final wish to get out of there and to grow back.  I got sent to my hometown but I only grew a little bit to how you see me now.  I got passed around to that woman who sold me to you.  She was my ex-girlfriend's little sister's best friend's mother."   "What !?!" Mary cries out and they both laugh out loud "You can't make up shit like that." 


Aubrey stops playing with you and says "Well now you are with two hot girls and we are going to give your tiny life purpose which is to make us lots of money.  Plus you'll be making all your freaky friends happy when they jerk off to your performance.  We'll even pay you for working in the form of shelter, food and protection from the big bad world." 


Mary tells her friend "You know, we could shoot some stuff without a script.  I mean he's probably be jerking off to giantess pictures, videos and stories."  Aubrey asks "What do you have in mind?"   Mary tells her "Like what you were just doing, having him in the palm of your hand, talking to him and fingering him until he cums.  People will pay for that."


Aubrey thinks about it and places you on the floor in front of her barefoot.  "Let's try a dry run.  Little Joey, I want you to worship my foot.  Kiss it and tell me how great I am."  You stand there and she stamps her foot scaring the hell out of you.  You respond my diving forward and kissing her foot while yell accolades at her.  Mary laughs "Look at the little perv go.  He's a natural."  Aubrey says "Keep going or a stomp on you." and you keep kissing and telling her how wonderful she is.


When Aubrey is satisfied with your performance, Mary picks you up off the floor and sets you down on a coffee table and tells Aubrey "Set up the lights and camera.  We can try a few more things.  They both get up to set up for filming.


You look around the coffee table and there is no way off other than jumping and you don't want to break a leg or worse.  These girls are hot and they are mostly treating you well but you don't want to be the next GiantessCity video star getting them Pateon subscribers.   You get a little rest before they come back ready to film some random scenes of them forcing you to perform for them.


Mary comes back and says "I don't know what I want to do first.  They say in show business you have to start at the bottom so I guess that's where you'll start, at my feet."


October 27, 2023
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