Blake Steals You
Three Wishes Chapter 27

You are shocked to see the person who opened Alecia's locker and  bag and took you out was Blake.  "What are you doing?" you ask but she just stuffs you in her deep jacket pocket without any response.    She leaves the locker room quickly and she walks briskly and she takes you into a small room and closes the door.  She takes you out and you see you are in a soundproof music practice room.  


"Hi cutie." Blake says with a smile on her face.  "How did you get in Alecia locker and what are you doing with me?"  She stoked your body with her fingertip and says "Well I gave her that combination lock at the beginning of the year.  I'm sure she totally forgot about it and she never changed the combination.  I had a free study period and knew she was in gym class.  So I saw an opportunity and I took it."  You respond "Opportunity? I thought you have a boyfriend."


Blake tells you "Yeah, Matt.  He's great but he's going to Europe with his family this summer and then he starts college in California so it's not going to work out, he just doesn't know it yet."  You look up at her and say "What about your friend?  She's going to be so upset over losing me."  She says "Listen to me.  You are unique, one of a kind.  I had to have you for my own and when I want something I get it.  Anyway, it seemed like such a waste.  I like those girls but they are both virgins and totally clueless saving themselves for the right guy.  They would take you to school and keep you locked in a cage in their dorm.  You'd go crazy in a month.  I on the other hand am a bit more experienced and I see your potential.  I am going to have so much fun with you.  She opens her backpack and takes out an empty  pencil case and slips you inside.  "See you later" she says as she zips it up and puts it back in her bag.


Once you are secured in her bag so goes to her next class.  You are helpless to escape and when she is leaving school to go to her car she runs into Becky who says "Did you hear someone stole the little guy from Alecia?"  Black replies "What?  How did that happen?"   Becky continues "She had him in her gym locker and when she came back the lock was off and they went through her bag.  They must have found him and figured he'd be valuable and took him."  Blake replies "That's horrible.  I bet whoever took him is going to try and sell him for money.  We need to all ask around and see if anyone is trying to sell something that sounds fishy."  Becky answers "Good idea.  I'll tell Alecia."  Blake says "OK and I'll ask around too.  I have to go now because my mom wants me to help her this afternoon with a project.  We can update at lunch tomorrow."


Blake continues to her car and gets in driving off with you still trapped in her bag.  You hear her singing with the radio as she drives and you wonder what she has in mind and you hope it's not what you think.  She gets home and goes right to her room, locking the door and sitting on her bed.  She takes you out holding you in her palm letting a finger from her other hand play with you.  "Welcome to your new home, cutie.  I live here with my mom and dad but they aren't around a lot.  My dad travels around the world for business and my mom is a doctor.   We have a maid that lives in a suite off the main house named Lorena but she has to do whatever I say.  This is a really big house but for now this is all you are seeing of it."


You try to appeal to her and say "Blake, this is wrong.  You can't just take me and expect me to do God knows what."  Blake giggles at your comment and replies "You have it all backwards.  I already have you and you will be doing whatever I ask.  You will be my perfect little boy toy.  Maybe it will be better if I show you" 


She sets you down on the bed and she pulls off her shoes, followed by her jeans and her socks.  They she lightly stokes her pussy through her underwear which you find arousing.   She smiles at your reaction while she pulls off her shirt and tosses it aside.  She poses in front of you in her bra and panties and asks "Like what you see?"  You are on the bed unsure how to react and just say "You are very attractive Blake."


She smiles and says "Aren't you a demanding little man.  You want to see more, huh?"  and she reaches behind herself and unhooks her bra letting it fall to the ground exposing a pair of magnificent breasts.  You can't control yourself and you have a boner.  She gets down on her knees at the edge of the bed so her face is right in front of you and blows you a kiss followed by blowing her minty breath all over you.  She gets closer and licks her lips saying "How about a nice kiss?" and moves in even closer.  You back away and she makes a pout and says "No kiss for me?  I told you I get whatever I want."   Her hand moves up and knocks you onto your back and she grabs you by the ankles and lifts you in the air.


She sits down on the bed and dangles you in front of her face "I still want my kiss" as she brings you close to her lips.  You just want to get down so you comply and try to kiss her lower lip but as soon as you do it her wet tongue comes out and slashes across your face.  "Fun" she says as she lays back in bed and sets you down between her breasts, "Now kiss my boobies."    You look at her breasts and have no idea how to mount them so instead you just go over to the side of one and plant a kiss on it.  She says "Again" and you kiss her again and she makes you repeat that a dozen times before saying "Kiss my nipple."   You try to climb her breast but it is too big and too soft for you to succeed.  She picks you up by the legs again and lowers you on top of her nipple so you can kiss it multiple times before switching to her other nipple for a repeat performance. 


"I knew you'd be good" she tells you as she lowers you back between her breasts.  "I will teach you all kinds of tricks and since you are older you can teach me a few tricks."  You don't like where this is going.  The way you see it she's a rich daddy's girl that gets whatever she wants and even if her parents found out about you they probably let her do whatever she wants. You start to move but she presses her breasts together trapping you between them and she says "Cuddle time!"


When she finally releases you, you try crawling down her taut belly away from the massive boobs.  She watches you as you approach her belly button and her hand comes down and fingers a gold piercing in her navel in front of you.  "Too bad you aren't a bit smaller so I could hang you like an accessory from my navel." she tells you, "I'd love that."  


You continue to look for an escape route and you watch as her hand shift to her panties lifting the elastic away from her body and saying "You can hide in here, cutie."  You don't want to get in any deeper right now and back away but her hand comes down and snatches you up giving you a big kiss across your tiny face.  "Don't worry cutie.  We are just getting warmed up.  I'll let you give me more kisses later but right now I need to go to the store to get some things for you so you'll be comfortable."  She drops you back in the pencil case and zips it shut.  "Now you rest up and I'll be back tonight to play with you."  She puts the pencil case in her desk drawer and shuts it.  Then she gets dressed so she can go shopping and get dinner.


You are totally beside yourself.  Alecia seemed like a gentle girl that would never harm you but Blake comes off as a horny nymph who probably plans to use you as a sex toy. You fiddle with the case to see if you can open the zipper but you have no luck and you are trapped until she returns.


Hours go by until you feel the drawer open and be lifted out and unzipped and you look out and see...     


October 8, 2023