Too Big to Get Under the Door
Three Wishes Chapter 23
As much as you squeeze you can't make it under the door and you realize you are in big trouble if Marie finds you. You need to come up with a plan. You have quite a few hours until she is awake, You could hide but there is a chance she will look for you and you aren't sure where you could hide in her room. Then you see her backpack laying near by and you get an idea. You could hide in the backpack and she'll carry you right to school then when the coast is clear you can get an adult to help you.

You head over the the book bag you you notice a Velcro pocket on the side that you can fit into with lots of space and you climb in. Worse case if she discovers you, you can tell her you climbed in because you did want her to forget to take you to school. Hopefully you won't have to tell that lie.

Morning comes and you are awaken by the noise of Marie searching her room. Eventually she runs out of time and you hear her say "You can hide all you want. You aren't going to get out of my room" as she closes the room behind her when she lefts and you are grateful you didn't try hiding inside.

The plan goes off without a hitch and you wait in the bag until you have an opportunity to escape. Sure enough, they had a morning recess and went outside to play. You slowly climb out of the bag making sure the coast is clear and you realize her bag is in the back of the room on a hook so you'll have to find a way to climb down to the floor and traverse the room to get to the teacher's desk. You carefully climb down without incident and then start your trek to the front. You are about 80% there when you hear a bell go off and realize recess is over and the kids are coming back.

You start sprinting as hard as you can to get the the safety of the teacher's desk and then
August 17, 2023