Hide in the Bag
Three Wishes Chapter 25

Anything is better than staying here and you climb into an open pocket of the bag and scrunch down as best you can.  It's a few hours before you hear the parents arrive and the sitter talking to them.   You hear them call her Alecia which you assume is her name and you start to feel good about this plan.


She picks up the bag and you are off and out of the house.  She's walking down the street and you realize she most only live a few blocks away.  Time passes and she goes into a house and says hello to other people that you assume must be her parents. 


You didn't see Alecia before you jumped in her bag but now that you are thinking about it this girl is probably in high school if she lives with her parents and you start to worry.  Your situation may not be any better with this girl.   She enters her room and drops the bag on the floor and jumps in her bed as she scrolls through her phone's display.  You aren't sure of your next move as you peek out and see you are on the floor and she is on the bed far above you.  


You decide to climb up the side of the back pack to get some height and you start yelling at her and waving "Help, I need your help!  Help me" as you wave your arms. 

She hears your tiny voice and looks around wondering where it is coming from finally focusing on you.  Her mouth falls open and her eyes go wide.  She says "I can't believe it.   A little guy.  Where did you come from?"  You look up at her and reply "It's  a long story but I need your help."


Alecia leans over and picks you up between her fingers and deposits you on her bed in front of her.  She is sitting cross-legged on the bed.  You look up at her and she has long blond hair, fair skin and blue eyes.  She has a friendly girl next door look although her breasts are a bit small but still noticeable.   


"Will you help me?" you ask her and she replies "Of course I'll help you.  What do you need but first how did you end up in my room?"  You tell her "A crazy as it sounds, I was shrunk by a genie who twisted my wish and I ended up with my ex-girlfriend who left you in the mall challenging you to find your way back to her.  Then this found me in the mall and she was friends with Laura who she just babysat and a hitch a ride in her bag to escape."  She laughs and says "That some story.  So what do you want me to do to help."  


You can't believe how friendly this girl turned out to be.  You tell her "I just need you to call my girlfriend Debbie so she can come get me."  She looks at you and says "I thought you said ex-girlfriend."  You hesitate and reply "Well yes technically my ex but we are going to get back together."


Alecia lets out a big breath and says "Here's how I see it.  She's your ex and you end up at her doorstep four inches tall.  She felt bad for you and instead of just telling you that she didn't want to be with you she left you at the mall with an impossible challenge.  She probably figured you'd get found or stepped on long before you ever got back to her.  If you go back now, she'll just do something else.  Maybe 'forget' you in a restaurant or lend you to one of her friends except they keep you.  She might even try leaving you someplace more dangerous next time, like a playground or a busy city street.  You are going to get hurt."


You respond "OK, I think you're blowing this all out of proportion.  She works in the mall..." but she interrupts you and picks you up holding you in front of her face as she  asks "How can I help you?"  You answer "Please call Debbie for me."  Her face looks a bit sad as she says "I can't do that.  I told you I would help you but calling her will only get you hurt, so no."  


You are a bit disturbed at this change of attitude and ask "Then am I a prisoner here?"  Her face doesn't change as she says "No, You aren't a prisoner.  You're my friend and I need to keep you safe.  Don't worry, I am going to keep you very comfortable and happy and we'll be best friends."  


You don't like where all of this is going as she continues "I'll tell you a secret.  I always imagined having a little friend to share all our secrets and be there whenever I needed them and here you are.  It's like a miracle."


"Look miss", you try telling her "This is all very nice but I can't stay here forever.  Can you please call Debbie."  She drops you and you fall into her lap surrounded by her legs that you'd have to climb to attempt an escape.  She says "I already told you that's not happening and you'll stay here as long as you need me."  You change tact and ask her "What grade are you in anyway?"  She tells you "12th.  I graduate in 2 months and then I'm going early admission to State for the summer.  You can come with me so I won't be homesick."  


You groan and realize what is happening.  This girl is no different than the others.  It doesn't matter if they smother you with love or torture you every day.  You still belong to them and you have no say in your life anymore.


Suddenly she springs from the bed and says "Ooo, there's something I want to show you and she goes into a walk-in closet leaving you on the bed.  She come out with a doll house with a handle on top.  She sets in down on a table opposite of the bed and in your view and she flips a latch and it opens up exposing the interior of a two story house.  Each half had rooms that matched up to the other half formed a cut through view of the whole house that could then be folded up for storage.  


She says "Let's see how it fits." and she comes back to the bed to get you and inserts you on the first floor.   You look around and it is close to your scale.  "Go upstairs." she tells you as you ascend the stairs into one of the bedrooms.  It is interesting how this house is built with all the furniture built into the wall and not movable.  She says "Try lying down in the bed." and you lay down on the hard plastic bed.  "Bedtime" she says as she swings the other side of the house toward you closing it up.  


You freak out for a minute trapped in this tight space.  Light comes in the windows but they are too small for you to climb through.  You squeeze your way downstairs to try the door but it's fake.  You yell out one of the windows to her to let you out and a moment later the latches opens and the two halves open and you walk out onto the table.  "It's really tight in there when it's closed and the bed is really hard."  


"I'm sorry to hear that" she says "We'll have to find you a more comfortable place to sleep." she says as she carries you back to the bed and deposits you in front of her like earlier.  "Now I want to hear all about you and this genie and your wishes and your whole trip until you ended up in my bag."  You start to talk but her phone buzzes and she answers it you assume it is a friend of hers as she answers it and starts talking ignoring you.  You listen and hear her start talking about finding you and how cute you are and that she plans to keep you no matter what.  She's talking like your not even there.  You don't want to meet anyone else and you still have to figure our this whole situation.  


She hangs up and you say "Why did you tell her about me.  What about keeping me safe."  She blows off your concerns off saying "That's just my friend Becky.  She's cool, don't worry.  Now where are you going to sleep."  She scans the room and finds a box of tissues with a wide opening and deposits you inside.  "Plenty of room and it's safe." she tells you as she sets the box with you in it on a bookshelf essentially eliminating an escape route. 


You lie there as she gets ready for bed and shuts the lights off leaving a only the light coming in the window from outside.  You think about an escape but you don't have any idea where you are and there is no way down from the bookcase.  You wonder what the future will hold for you. 

September 29, 2023