You get scooped Up
Three Wishes Chapter 24
You get scooped up by a girl that carries you back to her desk and stuffs you in her book bag zipping it shut. You are stuck in there until lunch time when she open the bag to get her lunch and grabs you out too. "Look what I found on the floor.", she says and she dumps you onto the center of the lunch table and you are surrounded by three young girls one of which is Marie.

"Crap" you think as she grabs you up and says "He's my little man. I found him at the mall. " The other girl that found you replies "Well I found him in the classroom so he's mine now. Give him to me." They start to argue when the third girl says "Why don't we share him. You know take turns." The girl who found you says "I guess I could do that. Marie?" Marie pots you back on the table and says "Sure Laura. After all you are my best friend. The only question is who gets him first?" Laura says "Well since I found him today, it only seems right that it should be me." The all agree that Laura will have you for two days and then they will switch. Laura stuffs you back in her bag for the remainder of teh day.

When you get to Laura's house she takes you out and tells you that you are going to do her homework for her and then clean her room. "I'm too little to clean and you need to do your own homework." She slams her fist down on the table and you fall over from the force. "Don't tell me no, little man. You are my slave." You are afraid that she might hurt you and just say "OK". She has you do her math homework which is easy for you using a tiny piece of pencil lead.

At one point her mom comes in to talk to her and Laura cover you up with her hand. Her mom says "He are going out tonight but I made you dinner and the sitter will be here soon so come downstairs." She replies "OK mom" as the giantess mom leaves without you even seeing her. Laura tells you to keep working at she leaves the room.

As soon as she is gone you figure you need to escape as you don't want to be the pet of a trio of second graders. You see a cord on a desk lamp and you decide now is the best time and climb down the cord to the floor. You head for the door hoping she doesn't come back for a while. You get to the door and this time there is enough space for your to squeeze underneath to the hallway. You get to the top of the steps and you realize a lot of time has past and she is going to discover you ran.

You hear Laura and the sitter talking about school and you think if you should try hiding in the parents bedroom or try to make your way downstairs. You elect for the stairs and slowly climb down one stair at a time which as fortunately carpeted making it a little easier. You make it to the bottom and hide under a table nearby. You spot the sitters bag by the front door and decide that may be your best way out. You start to make your way to the bag when Laura says she is going upstairs to get changed and finish her homework and you know time is up.

You hurry to the bag when
August 17, 2023