Blending in to give support (part 2)
While inside the drawer Billy heard his mom's voice but in very muffled, quiet tones say something, but couldn't make it out from his position. He wasn't sure if she had left the room or not, the outside world too muffled to hear anything far from the drawer. Again all he could do, was wait.

After a while, he felt a tingle, realizing the timer was up, he waited to reform and thought of how he would open the drawer from the inside. His thoughts were cut short when he heard a beep in his mind and the voice from before.

"Timer expired, error, insufficient space to release, unsafe, timer reset for twelve hours" before the tingle faded back away. He realized with a cold dread that the remote must have some safety feature to avoid him being crushed to death, so now he would have to wait another twelve hours and hope he wasn't in the drawer when the timer expired again.

The night passed slowly. Billy had rested all day and despite his gradual dehydration and slowly growing hunger...and the trauma of that morning, Billy had rested most of the day so he didn't sleep much while he was bent over in the drawer. Billy was actually just falling to sleep when SUPRISE, his mom slid open the drawer, spilling blinding light down upon Billy.

Patricia picked Billy up like before without ceremony or regard. Billy blinked both from the light and the sudden vertigo of being in motion. He was carried across the room, dangling from one hand as he saw with worry that the remote wasn't on the floor anymore. He wasn't sure where it was, as he didn't get much range of vision, before Patricia grabbed other side and raised him up. For a second Billy spun upside down and was facing Patricia. His mother’s, now massive, naked nipple nearly poked him in the face as he spun back around. Wait...what!?

Looking from side-to-side Billy felt his arms pulled out and his legs pulled apart, wide as the fabric wings were forcefully being spread out away from him. A giant arm went through what looked like a loop of some kind. Then his arms and legs went taught and Billy felt vertigo as he fell back and SLAMBED into something very firm and very warm. Billy tried to twist free but the black stuff held to him firmly. Billy felt what could only be described as massive liquid filled bladders filling the sheets of cloth to either side of him like they were hammocks. Billy looked to either side and was temporally squished as his mom's jugs came together.

Patricia slid her son up against her bosom, clipping the straps together behind her back. Patricia’s not inconsiderable breasts filled in the cups of the braw and rested against the underwire holding them up and in place. She was devoid of any sympathy for Billy who was now firmly situated between her maternal mammaries.

It all came together, just like the slipper. Billy realized he was HIS MOTHER’S BRA! Billy tried to scream as his legs were pulled apart into the splits. His arms yanked outwards and pulled back behind his shoulders. Billy felt the whole apparatus jiggle as the massive loads filled in around him and tried their darndest to fall forward but were being held up.

Helplessly, Billy stared down as his mom bent over. The shift forced Billy to hold fast as the weight of Patricia’s chest tried to fall forward but were held up against him. Billy, watched her slide a dress up before she stood up taking some of the weight off before it enveloped his vision. The dress pressed against Billy's face, with his mother filling in from behind. Billy heard her zipping up and felt its fabric tighten.

Billy heard his sisters chatting at the breakfast table and heard them ask where he was. Patricia shrugged, making her breasts shake. The two masses pulled apart and then came back together, smothering him. Patricia suggested that he must be staying at a friend's. While they ate, Billy felt the tingle growing through him again, but once again heard the voice in his head.

"Timer expired, error, insufficient space to reform, object in the way, timer reset" The tingle faded and Billy was left screaming in rage. But his lungs were less than an inch in size, and he was now smothered by a firm lair of cloth and his mom’s large boobs; no one would have heard him. It seemed he couldn't get free if being worn, or in a tight drawer. There seemed to be a narrowing window where he would have the option to reform, which was worrying, how many times would the timer reset? If the batteries in the remote died would the timer stop functioning? Could he be trapped as his mother’s bra forever?

Billy spent the entire day under Patricia's dress, holding up her cleavage like the good bra he appeared to be. She worked nonstop outside of her lunch break and her constant movements made her breasts try to break free. The fake fabric did its job just fine. Problem was they were connected to Billy’s very real shoulders and hips. Being splayed out like this pulled every tendon and mussel all along Billy’s body. On some level Billy figured the black stuff was keeping him from breaking because there was no way he could endure this on his own.

It was worse when Patricia would walk. Billy could feel the shifts as she gets up from her chair and walks around. Each step the weight on him would lighten for all the moment and then come back down harder and then repeat over and over. Worst part was when she ran, maybe trying to catch an elevator. Billy felt everything tighten as his mom’s boobs tried to break free but somehow, he held them in place. The constant strain kept Billy in a near constant pain or at the very least intense discomfort. At some point in the morning the pain gave way to an intense numbness.

After unknown number of hours Billy heard the sound of a car and felt his mom lean back. Thinking she was on her way home Billy silently gave praise. it was nearly over. At the end of the day Billy hoped she would take him off when she got home, but while Patricia changed into casual clothing, she kept her bra on.

Billy had not realized how much support the tight dress had a been adding throughout the day. Seconds after it was off it felt like his mom's boobies were flopping around when in fact they were still held up, like they were supposed to be. Billy saw the loose-fitting sweatshirt he had seen his mother wear rise up and then cover him. The loose fabric provided no additional support. Suddenly, when Patricia started moving all the weight of her Sweater Pillows was entirely being held up by Billy's shoulders and thighs. He felt the massive orbs try to fling up with every step, then crash down pulling his arms and legs tight. And this went on and on, while Billy just tried to hold on. His mom’s boobs had a lot more room to move now and they SLAMMED together over and over again.

Billy wept when during dinner he felt the tingle and listened to the voice tell him the timer was resetting AGAIN. He wanted this nightmare to end, he did not want to be holding any part of his mother as intimately as he was.

Finally, just before bed, Patricia finally unclipped bra and slipped Billy off, making him feel cold and empty after being smothered by her body heat. He found himself dangled over the dirty laundry hamper, before going into freefall. He hit the laundry and rolled, falling down to the side of the pile. Billy staired exhaustedly up at the light fixture overhead thinking “Finally,” but too tired and sore to move. His sisters stayed up later than their mother and he was visited by them one at a time as they dumped their dirty clothes on top, burying their brother under their laundry.

Buried as he was, he hoped the pile was soft and loose enough to meet the remotes safety requirements, he knew he could climb out of the pile if his body was back to normal shape, if not size, but all he could do was wait and see...
June 10, 2023
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