· original author:
Billy begins to see spots as he is desperate for another breath, before his mother shifts her foot again, allowing him another quick gasp to refill his lungs. Staring up at her from below he contemplates using some of his precious air to attempt a desperate cry out for her to hear, but even with his pain filled, oxygen deprived brain, he knows she is almost certain not to hear any sound from all the way above him. All he would acomplish is using up what little oxygen he had and risk passing out.

As her toes push against his head once more, he tries to distract himself with how he is even holding up the weight of his mother without being crushed to paste, or how his head seemed to flatten out from her earlier attempts to deal with the "irritation" by trying to feel his agonising body. With shock he realises that his body feels slightly deformed. Under a million tons of pressure, but his chest and legs don't feel fully like themselves. It seems some safety feature of the remote must have made him more durable at smaller size, almost as if his body was now spongy, though the pressure and pain proved it wasn't a perfect solution.

Billy's thoughts were distracted however, as Patricia said her goodbyes to her neighbour and began to walk back into the house. Each step giving him a moment to breath and take in air, followed by a agonising crushing sensation as she stepped her weight down onto him. It hurt like hell, but oddly he seemed to feel the impact less the more she walked on him. Billy wasn't sure if he was just getting used to the pain, or if something else was happening, but soon the concrete was replaced with carpet as she stepped back inside.

By the time she had gotten back to the kitchen, he found breathing to be easier than a few minutes ago, though his body felt really off, like a dull ache of someone having done a deep tissue massage with a rock. As his mother made some coffee, she stood still on him, though this time he found he could still draw in a little air, in short, quick gasps. The pressure crushing him still fellt like the worst pain ever, but it felt more spread out, more dull than sharp. With horror he realised he could feel his mothers foot, imprinted on his body. His ribs and bones should be stopping that being possible, but it seemed the effects of the remote were altering him. The more he had been stomped, the more it had altered him to avoid death.

Patricia's big toe suddenly loomed overhead as she once more went to fix the irritation without looking, Bily opening his mouth to cry out. Her toe slammed down on his face, meeting less resistance than last time and her her rubbing motion began to flatten out his head. His open mouth could taste his mothers smelly toe flesh as it pressed against his tongue, With her toe pressed down he found his oxygen cut off once more, though luckily it only took thirty more seconds for her to be satisfied she had fixed the issue, Billy's head now half as thick as originally.

As she lifted her toe from his face, his open mouth was stuck, leaviing him with a shocked expression, though he felt his head begin to reform, slower than last time. Unfortunatly, now his mother had sorted out the irritation, as she began to walk across the room, her toe kept sliding back over his face, cutting off his oxygen every other motion and keeping his head from reforming. The pressure on his head made him feel light headed and dizzy.

Billy had to endure his mother, sitting and reading the paper while she enjoyed her coffee, tapping her foot as she read. He felt as if each impact was shaping him to his mothers foot even more, though in reality it was a slow process as he was being crushed into a more insole like shape, in pain, but alive. for twenty agonising minutes that felt like an eternity, he remained under her tapping foot, dizzy and disorientated while his mother had a relaxing cup off coffee. Once she was done with that, she stood up, causing him to gasp as her full weight pressed upon him once again.

Patricia headed up to the bathroom, ready for her shower to properly start the day. As she got back to her bedroom with its en suite bathroom, she kicked off her slippers, finally freeing her son from her foot. If she had looked down at him right now, she would have realised that he was not her slipper, however she likely wouldn't have recognised him as Billy either, half flattened out and with the imprint of a foot covering his body. However, she didn't look down, instead she simply stripped naked, with he wishing he could look away or close his eyes, whiich could barely twitch in their current state, before walking out of his field of vision.

Billy felt like someone had finally lifited a house off of his body as she slid him off, before hearing the sound of the shower starting up in the little bathroom. Billy's whole body ached and he could barely twitch. It felt as if he had gone through a huge work out at the gym until every muscle was over worked to the point of being like jelly. He felt his body very slowly beginning to pop back out to its normal proportions, but it was a slow process. He had been crushed to heavily and repeatedly, whatever the remote had done to him that allowed him to survive clearly hadn't considered it important that he go back to normal rapidly.

He realised he was back in the room with the remote, somewhere on the floor by his mothers bed. He had to get up and get to it. He did not want to end up back under his mothers foot. He twitched his arms and legs, managing a slow, flopping motion in the direction he hoped was towards her bed, though with his head still mostly a thick disk, he could only stare up towards the ceiling.

The motions were slow, but his body was slowly becoming more like itself again, bringing back the full sharp pain of what he had endured. Wincing and finally managing to turn, Bily realised he had wrigged out of his over sized clothiing, but that didn't matter, he had to get to the remote. Standing on weak, wobbly legs, he heard the sound of his mothers shower turning off, had it realy taken him so long just to get his body back to normal and stand up. Not wasting a moment, he began to slowly hobble his jelly legs across towards her bed. Not wanting to end up stepped on again and certainly not wanting to be found naked by his mother.

As he heard the door open and the foot falls that now sent a spike of cold fear up his spine, he got to the edge of the bed, glancing around on the floor to try to spot the remote. He grinned as he saw it under the bed next to a shoe box and his mothers real other slipper, which had somehow ended up under the bed. Glaring at the inanimate object he had taken the place of, he pushed it to move it out from under the bed so his mother could spot the real item. Excited to finally fix his mistake, he ignores the sound of his mother moving around her room and kneels on top of the remote, unwittingly pressing some of the other buttons he hadn't tested with his knees and feet.

Unaware of how his actions had changed the settings for the remote, he waited for his mother to leave the room, now fully dressed, before pushing the remoe out from under the bed, stood in front of it with an eager smile and pushed down on the + button with both hands. For a moment nothing happened, which worried him, before it hit him with its programmed effect...

June 10, 2023
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