Her hand fell ominously over the two of them. Both of them let out a collective sigh. It descended on Luke, and before Jessica could even react he was hoisted into the air. His eyes shreaking as Tara squeezed his injured shoulder. He didn't dare make any noise, though. He wasn't sure how long injured "insects" lasted with Tara.

Jessica screamed. The shriek filling the who cage. "Noooo. Don't take him away from me. Please, take me instead." The rest of the little people stared longingly, but there was nothing they could do. At first she tried jumping up to Tara's hand, as if she could grab Luke out of it, but within half a second it was too high up. In a fit of desperation, she ran to the plastic walls and started banging on it, crying and screaming for him back.

"Shut up," Tara beamed coldly to the cage, barely even looking up. To reinforce her point, she walked the cage wall where Jessica stood, causing the whole cage to shake. Jessica was knocked back into the middle of the cage, and everything else was thrown aside.

Tara simply closed her closet door and walked away with Luke and the other man. What does she have in store for them?
June 8, 2023
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