…allow her to place them in the cage.
Just one glance into Tara’s gray eyes was enough to make Luke and Jessica stop struggling. There was such unfathomable cruelty in those enormous eyes that the two Lilliputians instinctively froze, petrified. Still glaring down at them, the giantess pried the lid off of the cage and dropped them inside. They bounced on the hard plastic floor, Luke crying out in pain when he landed on his shoulder. Tara didn’t seem to notice that he was hurt as she addressed them in a cool, almost detached, voice.

“So I’m sure you guys are wondering what the hell is going on, right? Well, remember when I mentioned the whole supplementing my income thing? I’m a trainer, of sorts. I train you little insects to behave well and then sell you as pets. Believe it or not, but the market is pretty large, especially amongst certain members of Gulliverian society,” she explained, setting the lid beside the cage.

Luke groaned, rubbing at his shoulder, as Jessica walked up to the clear wall of the cage toward the giantess.

“It’s in your best interest to behave. See, I also have a few clients who enjoy more…extreme…forms of artwork. They commission me to paint the sort of things that you saw hanging on my wall. And the insects that don’t behave are the subjects of those paintings. There was one really rich CEO named Seth who bought a whole series of paintings that depicted Lilliputians being devoured alive. He paid extra for the photographs that proved that the subjects actually were eaten,” Tara continued.

Jessica felt nauseous listening to this. She pressed her hands up against the cage wall, looking up at their gargantuan captor.

“Tara, you have to let us go. Please,” she begged.

“Let’s get this straight. You won’t refer to me as ‘Tara’ again. I am ‘Mistress’ to you,” the giantess informed her.

“But Tara…” Jessica started to argue.

“What the hell did I just say?” Tara snapped. Lightning-fast, her colossal hand struck the cage with incredible force, rattling around the Lilliputians like peas in a can. Jessica collided with her husband, their limbs tangling together. It took a moment for them to regain their bearings and when they looked up, they saw the Gulliverian’s huge face contorted with irritation and contempt.

“S-sorry…Mistress,” Jessica managed to whisper.

“Next time I’ll crush your head, bug.” Whatever remained of the mask of kindness that Tara had worn earlier was long gone. The true face behind it was terrifying to behold, cruel and calculating. When Jessica didn’t say anything else, the giantess reached down, hiking up her dress to expose white satin panties. She wondered what the Gulliverian was doing as she pulled down her underwear around her thighs; then she saw it. Or rather, him. There was a Lilliputian man strapped to the lining of Tara’s panties, his face florid and his dark hair matted with sweat and other fluids, including his captor’s vaginal secretions. He began to gibber as the giantess untied him, his voice strained and overly eager.

“Oh, thank you, Mistress. I don’t deserve your kindness.” He sounded completely insane and Jessica cringed as Tara dumped him into the cage.

“Shut up, insect,” the Gulliverian woman sneered, placing the lid back on the cage. Her eyes met Jessica’s one more time, the promise of violence still present in them, and then she left without another word. As Jessica rushed over to Luke to see if he was injured, she saw the other Lilliputians out of the corner of her eye, looking lost and hopeless. She felt particularly sorry for the insane man. Being strapped to the inside of someone’s underwear, pressed up against their genitals for God knows how long…her mind didn’t want to go there.

“We have to get out of here before she comes back,” Jessica told the other captives but they just stared back silently. She may as well been trying to tell a flock of chickens that they needed to run before the farmer came back with the ax. That didn’t stop her from trying on her own, though. She ran around the perimeter of the cage, inspected every corner, studied the distance to the top of the cage.

“There’s no way out,” the man who had been imprisoned in the giantess’ panties said. He now sounded oddly flat, emotionless. A few more glances around the cage confirmed the other prisoner’s words. Defeated, Jessica sat down beside her husband.

“It’s not so bad, if you listen to what she says,” their fellow prisoner said. “And if you don’t…well, I’ve seen some of her other paintings.”

Jessica couldn’t help but shiver.


Eventually, Jessica and Luke must have fallen asleep because they were jolted awake by Tara’s presence. The Gulliverian had changed out of her dress and was now wearing a black silk nightgown, the outlines of her nipples apparent through the fabric. One by one, she looked into the cages, inspecting them. Then she came to their cage, her breath fogging the plastic wall as she gazed inside. Jessica shook in terror as the giantess removed the top and reached down, picking up the crazy man from earlier. He didn’t resist as the oak-sized fingers wrapped around him and lifted him from the cage. If anything, he seemed strangely pleased as she held him in one hand, kissing at her colossal fingers.

“I need one more,” Tara said, hovering over the cage. She reached down for…
June 8, 2023
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