Abbie slept like a rock that night. Her dreams of becoming a Brobdingnagian had come true, but the thing was, it still felt like a dream. For all she knew it could have been an elaborate prank masterminded by that bitch Shannon from school. The thought alone made Abbie wake up in a cold sweat. Was she really a Brobby?

Come to think of it, she hasn't seen any actual evidence of her growth. Was she really six miles tall in comparison to a Lilliputian? Back at the training facility, she never actually saw a living, breathing Lilliputian or Gulliverian. Just little models which could have easily been artificial (i.e. Lilliputian made). If this was an elaborate prank, then that meant Heather was an actor, a part of the prank. This whole situation was practically the Truman Show starring Abbie: the gullible Lilly.

Abbie's wondering mind eventually tired her and transitioned to sleep. She awoke the next morning to the yellow sun rays on her face.

"Rise and shine sleepy head," Heather announced, bursting into Abbie's room. "I want to get an early start today and show you off around town."

"Oh, okay." Abbie shielded her eyes as Heather opened the blinds as wide as they could go. "Can we go to a clothing store while we are out? I only own a shirt and skirt."

"Hell yeah, we'll go all over town!"

Abbie felt pretty gross putting on the same clothes from yesterday, but she didn't really have a choice. Her new flip flops were already conforming to her soles nicely and she wasn’t really keen on replacing them.

Heather's car looked familiar but Abbie didn't immediately recognize it as a Lilliputian model. As Heather drove from the quaint neighborhood to the town center, Abbie studied the architecture of the homes and commercial buildings. Like Heather's car, they seemed familiar, yet different. Abbie figured it was a 50/50 shot whether she was in Lilliput or Brobdingnag.

"First stop, coffee!" Heather skidded the car into an empty parking spot in front of the coffee shop.

Heather ordered the coffee while Abbie sat alone with her new smartphone. She logged into her bank account that her father created and got the payment system to work with her phone. Next, she sent a few texts to her father, mother and little siblings. She hesitated for a minute and then wrote a short text to her older sister.

"I hope you like caramel macchiato." Heather said bringing the two drinks to the table.

"I've actually never had it," Abbie curiously lifted the hot drink to her nose and gave it a sniff.

"What? You don't have coffee shops in Lilliput?"

"We do, but they only sell, well, coffee."

Heather giggled, and then took a sip. "Did you get your phone working?"

"It works." Abbie wore a half smile. "I sent a few messages to my family."

"Hey! You should invite them over! I'll make dinner and get the house all clean for your teeny tiny family."

"That, that sounds wonderful." Abbie forced a smile this time. She braced herself for a prank or trick. She tried to read Heather's body language but nothing about the blonde seemed suspicious. "I'll ask them if they want to stop by."

"I can't wait to meet them!"

Clothes shopping went by quick for Abbie even though she was starting with an empty wardrobe. Heather on the other hand took forever in browsing, fitting, and finally buying large quantities of clothes. Heather's car quickly filled with loot from the shopping spree.

Abbie started warming up to Heather and secretly hoping she was the real deal and not pulling her leg. But as the day went on, she was starting to forget about the notions that she was being played. Still, to seal the deal, she would need to see the other races in the flesh. Maybe hold a Gulliverian in the palm of her hand, or look at a fellow Lilliputian through a magnifying glass.

Abbie received a text from her father that stated he was happy to come over to see his 'little' girl. He also mentioned it took some convincing to get Lucy, her older sister, to come along.

"My family are coming tonight for sure now," Abbie told Heather as she drove erratically through the Brobdingnagian neighborhood. "My sister is also coming."

Heather could hear the change in tone as Abbie mentioned her sister. "Do you get along with your sister?"

"We do." Abbie clenched the inside door bar as Heather to a sharp turn without slowing. "But I kind of ruined our future plans when I won the Brobby lottery."

"Is she jealous?" Heather smiled as she pictured all Lilliputians dreaming of becoming a Brobdingnagian.

"I'm not sure. We've always been so close. I don't think I fully understand why she's so angry."
June 8, 2023
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