Chapters 41-60, of 165
Searched for: any text, tags include: (big ass, nonconsensual).
"Jen's monstrously terrifying barrage came to an end just before her big ass completely sandwiched you between itself and the chair's backrest but you were too busy feeling like you were dying from ..."
1.87K words · 396 views
"An older looking but still youthful woman walked in, with smooth red hair. Her footsteps caused quakes that you felt more noticeably than other Brobs' walking but it made no sense, she looked like ..."
1.83K words · 239 views
"'Wait what?! What does she mean my favorite?!' You wondered while you plummeted down into the yawning abyss, soon realizing that you were already in her crack as the temperature increased and the a..."
1.79K words · 296 views
"Both girls giggled and you felt like you didn't quite belong, yet finding it funny that it felt as if you stuck out like a sore thumb when you were just 1/1,000th their height, someone looking from..."
1.77K words · 268 views
"Your mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing audible came out. How were you supposed to respond to a question like THAT with a view like THIS? Obviously you had been ‘experiencing’ Monique..."
1.14K words · 350 views
friends with benefits
"You had no idea who this girl was. Her ass was enormous, though! A lot bigger than the others you'd dealt with, though not as monstrously colossal as Jordana. The difference wasn't so great, and in..."
1.85K words · 275 views
"The constant clenching of Jordana's giga-sized cheeks only served to inflict deafening booming claps and to squash you between billions of metric tons worth of jiggling, gelatinous flesh. Or at lea..."
1.82K words · 318 views
"You heard a stomach growl and instinctively looked at Lillian, but Jen blushed "I... I actually slept in and missed breakfast to be here on time, so, I think I should grab something to eat" she sa..."
1.46K words · 557 views
"You landed with a soft thud on Lillian's sixth and last burrito, but your body stopped responding altogether, so it looked like you just postponed the inevitable, and not for too long at that. You ..."
1.82K words · 302 views
"[Originally written by LJ Douglas, minor modifications by myself]   Lillian walked out of the bathroom as you tried to crawl out of the thong knowing that she's going to explode sooner or later, ..."
141 words · 211 views
"'Whoah' You couldn't help but be amazed. While it was true that this was far from your first time in a Brob lady's ass, this was the first time that it wasn't someone from your family, or people th..."
1.79K words · 257 views
""J-Jen, come on! Why ask me... that?" You said, gulping nervously. "It's an honest question" Jen smiled "Besides, Lillian here is the one who asked, and the way she put it, she's flaunting that he..."
1.78K words · 356 views
"You stood there, dumbfounded, staring at one of the largest butts ever not counting older, much heavier ladies like Dolores or Mayor Patricia. It was also extremely close to you, those utterly tita..."
1.79K words · 240 views