Chapters 1-20, of 77
Searched for: any text, tags include: (booty, nonconsensual, size difference), tags do not include: (clothing entrapment).
"One of my oldest but not quite the oldest of my size works before I began my big interactive, originally on but ported over here. Compared to the Lillian we know (and love, at least som..."
785 words · 742 views
"You woke up from a dreamless sleep after your strength had run out, having barely withstood 2 of Jordana's biggest farts ever. You found yourself resting on a vast, round pale expanse that felt squ..."
1.86K words · 309 views
""I can't say I'm too proud of this, but honestly the most fun back at Mully Ully Gue was skipping class and pissing off the nasty prefects, the PE teacher and the jerkass of a principal. At least a..."
1.79K words · 195 views
"'Wait what?! What does she mean my favorite?!' You wondered while you plummeted down into the yawning abyss, soon realizing that you were already in her crack as the temperature increased and the a..."
1.79K words · 299 views
"Your mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing audible came out. How were you supposed to respond to a question like THAT with a view like THIS? Obviously you had been ‘experiencing’ Monique..."
1.14K words · 354 views
friends with benefits
"You landed with a soft thud on Lillian's sixth and last burrito, but your body stopped responding altogether, so it looked like you just postponed the inevitable, and not for too long at that. You ..."
1.82K words · 309 views