"...do what you said you would if you found...
· original author:
"...did you do what you said you would do, if you found a shrink?"

"Yes." Lillian replied.

Charlie laid back against his pillow, feeling his wife nuzzle up closer to him. They had talked about this several times over the course of the past few months. The realisation of what had happened played in his imagination as his wife lay beside him, waiting for him to say something. They had been in heated arguments over it, knowing that between the two of them, Lillian was most likely to come across a shrink.

Charlie had been the first to ask the question, to ask her what she would do if she found a shrink. They both knew what he was really asking though, and Lillian had been quick to point out then that what she wanted to do and what she would do could be different things. For Charlie though, he knew exactly what he would do and he had told her that he loved her and he could not imagine his life without her. She knew his character, his caring nature was exactly what had brought them together. He had expected the same from her, so her evasive answer had been the source of several weeks of discord between them, as she had needed time to think before she felt like she could tell him.


"I'm sorry Charlie, I wanted to tell you immediately but I just..."

June 3, 2023
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