Jamie also reaches for a shrinkee in the bowl, ...
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You felt relieved when Jamie reached over to grab a tiny man out of Susan's bowel instead of you, although you couldn't help but feel a little guilty that this other tiny was obviously doomed. What followed felt like the longest song of your life, as the audience surged like a tidal wave, each torturing and utterly destroying tinies in their own way. Some audience members made do with a single tiny while others went through a multitude. You had to watch as other tinies were, stomped, smushed, dashed against hard surfaces, at one point Susan crushed another tiny between her breasts which didn't make you feel good about your vantage point between Jamie's. Although Jamie seemed occupied with the little man she'd grabbed from Susan's bowel, at one point whipping him through the air over her head like some kind of tortuous noise maker. The song concluded with the lead singer tossing the little woman she'd been traumatizing into the air over her head, leaning back, catching the tiny out of the air with her mouth, and swallowing, before giving a bow and leading her band off stage. After all that you considered yourself lucky to be alive, although you were incredibly shaken up as Jamie and Susan cheered along with the rest of the audience and you were repeatedly bounced up and down in Jamie's cleavage. Things calmed down a bit after the performance, but the audience's excitement for the next was almost like a physical force in the air...
June 3, 2023
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