Stay On Her Stomach
· original author:
Well these two definitely didn't have any sympathy for tinies but they seemed to have decided to keep you around for now so you figured it's better to take your chances with them rather than running off into the carnival where you might become anything between a free snack and a bloody smear on the ground. So you perched on Jamie's stomach, the fabric of her hoodie rose and fell under you as the titanic girl steadily breathed in and out. As you surveyed the surrounding area Jamie drifted off into a nap, a few of the passing festival attendees glanced down at you as they passed, you started getting a little worried that someone might try to swipe you when you saw Susan returning. You felt mixed feelings as the brunette weaved through the crowd to sit down on a towel next to her sleeping friend. On the one hand you once again had protection, on the other hand she was holding a bowl and you could hear the tiny screams emanating from it. "Hey" Susan said as she gently prodded Jamie in the side "the line for tinies on a stick was way too long but this bowl o tinies was super cheap." Jamie rolled one eye open
"That's great Sue, but I think I'm gonna just nap until the show starts"
"Alright more for me." As Jamie settled back into her nap Susan leaned back, holding the bowl with one hand she lifted tinies out with the other and casually popped them into her mouth a handful at a time. You watched Susan in a sort of morbid fascination as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful of squirming tinies, as far as you could tell she swallowed them all whole and alive. Your heart stopped when Susan's gaze slid over and caught you staring at her and she smiled. "Hey little guy, since Jamie's so busy sleeping how about you come over here with me" you tried to stammered out a response but before you could get your words in order Susan had put down her bowl of tiny snacks and plucked you from your spot on Jamie's belly. "Here this'll be fun" Susan cooed as her hand that wasn't holding you pulled up her shirt, exposing her bare stomach. Susan placed you on her bare stomach and simply rested her hand on your little body, the weight wasn't crushing but it prevented you from getting up. That's when you realized you could hear screams, you could hear the tinies inside Susan's stomach screaming and struggling inside her. Then you heard a loud gulp, looking up you saw that with her other hand Susan had resumed eating from her snack bowl and you again found yourself transfixed by the sight of the massive beauty eating. This time when Susan glanced down and caught your eye she gave you a wink and resumed casually snacking on the other tinies. Just then the first performance started up, Susan leaned over and nudged Jamie awake who rearranged herself so she'd have a better view.
June 3, 2023
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