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You looked down, dejected. It might have been easier inside her shirt. But you would have never been able to climb all the way down her body without being noticed. So that left only one option and you weren't looking forward to it. Without meeting her eyes you nod downwards. Debbie, of course, understood perfectly.
"Huh, so you know your place, at least. Maybe I won't even have to be so rough with you, if you already know how to act around me. Still, this will do you some good."
She lowered you down, down, down, until you were on eye-level with her crotch. You gulped. As well as you knew how she would treat you... nothing could have prepared you for this situation.
Slowly, Debbie brought your body around to her backside, dangling you above her enormous butt. Her jean shorts clung tightly to her asscheeks. Despair fills you. Could you even move in there? It was too late now...
"Gotta say, good choice. This is gonna be a good first test ride for you. Let's see, if you survive. And why don't you be a nice little toy and wiggle around a bit. I need something to keep me going through this shift or I'll die of boredom. I might even give you a treat, if you do a good job."

She pulled back her waistband and you were greeted by the two enormous, caramel hills that were her butt. Big and full, they seemed only perilously contained by her tight pants. Only a thin, dark string seperated them. Her underwear seemed almost laughable as flimsy as it was. Without ceremony, Debbie let go of you. With no time to even scream, you fall down, bounced of her ass and into her pants. She let go of the waistband and in the next moment, her shorts snap back and seal you into place.

Immediatly you noticed, that you had been right to worry. Her pants... they are almost skin-tight, fitting her enormous form perfectly. Desperately, you strained against the fabric, but it took nearly all of your strength just pulling yourself forward. A mear inch was all you could manage before you were exhausted and the denim pressed you back into her butt. You felt your hopes drip away. There was no way, you would escape. Your decision had been a mistake.

Debbie started walking, returning to the restaurant. You could hear a male voice shout something vague at her, but she seemed to ignore it. You definitely couldn't pay attention. With every step she took, her butt bounced up and down and you felt like a ragdoll being tossed around without a care. It felt like... No, you were nothing but a doll, being pulverized by the simple act of this woman doing her job. Everytime her cheeks bounced, you could feel your back grind into the rough fabric pinning you in place and after just a couple of steps, your entire body was sore. A sob escaped your throat, muffled by the flesh your face was pressed again. There was nothing you could do.

But then, Debbie stopped, and you heard a quiet voice reaching you through the fabric barrier.
"Excuse me, have you seen my date? She was the small woman I had with me." It was Jordan's voice! She sounded worried and sad. Did she think you had simply run off? No, surely she knew what dangers lurked for a shrink like you out there.
"Sorry, haven't seen her," Debbie answered, an upbeat tone in her voice. "Maybe she has gone to the bathroom? Or, more likely, she's run off. You know, how those shrinks are."
"Oh..." was all that Jordan said. Now she definitely sounded dejected. You wanted to scream her name! You couldn't accept that you would end like this! Things had been going so well. You deserved to be with her. To be safe.

Newfound strenght coursed through your body and you lifted the fabric off of you, crawling forward inch by inch, down Debbie's enormous legs. You wouldn't let her keep you. Not from Jordan. Not from anything. Tears of exertion filled your eyes, blurring your vision. But you couldn't give up...
June 3, 2023
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