You pick up the phone built for people of your minuscule size and call up your friend Megan, a normal sized woman whom you grew up with. She was a reliable girlfriend, always having your back in times of need such as now, and you knew she wouldn't let you down.

"Megan, it's Susanne, I was just calling to see if you wanted to hang out today?"You talked into the phone.

"Susanne! We haven't talked since last weekend, of course I'll head on over. Just give me a couple minutes, it'll take me a second to walk all two blocks. See ya!" She replied enthusiastically before hanging up on you. You laid down for a moment, shutting your eyes, drifting into a half sleep before hearing the door swing open.

In through the door walked your stunning friend, her tank top covering her medium sized breasts tanned a crisp brown, certainly a result of her Italian heritage. "Susanne!" she half giggled out as she shut the door and ran over to your bed. She plucked you off the ground and gave you a huge kiss, leaving some lipstick residue all over your face. She set you down next to her as she sat on your bed, turning to you and asking "So what did you have in mind?"

"Well the thing is, I got laid off. I need something to get my mind off of things, and I'm not sur-"

"I have a few things we could do." She cut you off. "I heard about this cruise, leaving from the bay for norms and shrinks alike, and I think we could have some fun, but don't worry, I'll cover the prices. Or, we could just hang out in the park, get some sun, and just chill. Or maybe, we could go drown your sorrows at a bar, if you're feeling like a more depressing coping mechanism. What'll it be girlfriend?"

This was just like Megan, always planned for what to do to keep your mind off of things. You smiled at her before telling her that you wanted to
June 3, 2023
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