Jordan leaves you in her cleavage as she made her way to the bedroom. It was large, with a king sized bed in the middle of two nightstands lined with candles, and a flat screen television mounted to the wall directly in front of the bed. She first made her way to the left side of the bed, bending over and pulling a lighter out of the drawer before lighting the three candles on this side of the bed. She then walked over to the opposite side, and did the same for those candles. She clapped twice as the lights dimmed before reaching out for you and setting you gently on the edge of where the sheets met the comforter on the middle of the mattress.

She made her way to the far end of the bed as you could only watch for now, and you started to strip yourself of your clothes.

"Stop." She commanded in a much more sensual voice as you obeyed, waiting for the brown beauty to make her moves. She slowly undressed herself, first exposing her perky breasts before pulling down her jeans, followed by the silk panties. She was clean shaven, and her pussy looked tight as a clenched fist, a definite sign of her lesbianism, as lack of penetration lead to a smoother vagina. She placed her arms on the edge of the bed, putting all her weight on her elbows as she seductively made her crawl towards you.

You giggled in anticipation as she grew closer, her large body seeming bigger than ever as she inched forward. She finally reached you as you looked onward, seeing only her titanic face and canyon looking tits. She reached down for you and started to kiss you, slow first, then fast. She bit down on the shirt and jeans you were wearing, and tore off your outer layer effortlessly. You sat exposed in between her fingers as she laid you on your back, looking up at her yet pinned.

You looked up as the giant perfectly manicured fingernail caught under your bra, tearing it off and revealing your boobs, which by tiny standards were quite massive. Jordan giggled as she poked at them with her fingernail, making the nipples grow even more erect than they were before. She then pressed her sharp nail against the rim of your panties, tearing through those as well. You were now sitting naked, and at the will of this Arabian princess.

The fun really started to pick up here, as she sat up, and laid on her back. You ran up to her brown pussy, and looked at the colossal genitalia before prying it open and climbing inside. You felt comfortable as you pleasured yourself while resting in the moist cavern which this woman called a vagina. You were soon joined with company as Jordan sent her right index finger penetrated the outside, soon followed with the middle one. She started violently fingering yourself, as you grabbed onto her hand, which only caused her to speed up.

You were riding the fingers of the giantess as she masturbated, and bouncing against the rough, slimy walls of her insides. Warm juices covered your body as you swallowed as much cum as humanly possible. The pleasure was off the walls as you let go and finished, all against the floor of her pussy. Her fingers withdrew as you felt a rumbling, before a cum flood fell from above and washed you out onto the bed, once again exposed to the outside world.

You looked up at the Arabic Giant having an orgasm, her face as pleasured as you sure she was. You both sat there for a moment, smiling at each other in silence as you panted, catching your breath from the sexual encounter you had shared.

"So what now?" You yell up to her as she smiles and
June 3, 2023
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