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Tails thought he should get his chance now, or it might get harder to enter Tikal's body. He moved to her butt and entered her anus when she bent down to pick up her skirt. She felt something go up her butt again, but she quickly forgot it.

Tails went through Tikal's rectum. It became narrower as nothing was planned to be expelled yet. The rectum continued to the colon. He could see no wastes but a pack of gas trapped in her large intestine.

A small portion of gas travelled down the tunnel. Tails followed it to see what would happen. The gas moved to Tikal's rectum, inflating it greatly. She felt small pressure inside her butt. Since there was nobody else in the house, she could freely let her gas out. Tails saw Tikal's anus twitch as the gas pressed it, then open loose, farting the gas out with loud noise. It closed almost instantly after the gas escaped her body.

Tails ventured further into Tikal. He arrived at her cecum. There was a huge pool of wet food remains. His ship analyzed it. The pool consisted of beans and corns, which would produce a lot of gas. Tails couldn't go further as the pool was blocking his way, so he decided to watch this pool being taken care of Tikal's large intestine.

Tails came up an idea for a prank. He went down to Tikal's rectum and placed a barrier at the top of it. That would prevent any gas going out her body, trapping them inside her colon. He placed another on her anus, just in case.

Tails observed the pool of waste for the next few hours. It slowly advanced through Tikal's large intestine, making a lot of gas. Her large intestine soon ballooned up greatly, but Tikal never felt them to come out because of the barrier. 'Strange... I can feel those gases inside my belly, but I didn't need to fart so far!' she thought.

After 4 hours, the mixture of beans and corns arrived at Tikal's descending colon. By that time, she finished her business with Knuckles, feeling uncomfortable inside her all the time, and was going back to her house. Her gas was now making loud gurgling noises, and her belly started to hurt. 'Ugh, what's happening inside there? Maybe can I let those gas out myself?' she thought. Tikal tried to push the gas out. Tails could notice the gas moving towards her rectum, increasing the pressure on the barrier. It was near its limit, but could stay unharmed for a plenty of time. The real problem was her poop. Beans and corns, which went through Tikal from top to bottom, became a giant pile of brown waste. Their digestion was almost done. The pile was inside her descending colon, and soon enter her sigmoid colon. Tails wasn't sure what would happen if that poop pressed the barrier.

Movements of Tikal's gas were pushing the giant pile of waste down her bowels. Compared to its normal speed, the waste was moving much faster. It slided down Tikal's sigmoid colon smoothly and rested on the barrier. The barrier had to withstand her poop and her gas pushing its back. Tails knew it will breach sooner or later.

Tikal felt something solid deep inside her butt. The barrier, being tortured by both her poop and gas, was pressing her rectum walls. 'Hmm, was that blocking my gas for all day? I should push it out...' she thought. She went to nearby bush, took off her skirt and crouched. She made her anus loose and began to increase pressure inside her lower abdomen. Tails started to feel Tikal's large intestine rumble. 'Tikal must have realized it... She is squatting and trying to get rid of the waste...' he thought. Then, with loud gurgles and groans, all her gas rushed down her colon and pressed her poop. Tikal heard something crack inside her. Then almost immediately, a massive mound of poop hit her rectum and anus. Tikal shivered a bit, and began to push it out. Tails didn't want to lose his barrier again, so he let go the poop. Tails saw a gigantic log slide through a wrinkled hole and plop on grassy land. As soon as the poop escaped Tikal's body, Tails activatied the barrier on her anus again to keep her gas inside. As the gas kept pressing her rectum, Tikal knew she had to fart. She finished wiping, and tried to push out the gas. Tails watched the pressure intensify. His ship was showing him breach alert... What happens?
June 2, 2023
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